zWindows™ 98 SE
zWindows™ Me
zWindows™ 2000
zWindows™ XP Home Edition
zWindows™ XP Professional
z32MB Memory above
z25MB Hard disk space above
* For more information, visit the MagicTune™ website.
It is recommended using MagicTune™ in Windows™ 2000
or later.
Overview | Installation | OSD
Modes | Color
Calibration | Uninstall | Troubleshooting
MagicTune™ allows for quick accurate tuning of the display with the ability to easily
save and use monitor configurations that are best suited for you.
zOSD mode may appear inconsistent with the explanation in guidance book
depending on specification of each monitor.
zWhen Pivot is functioning, part of MagicTune™ Program may not operate
zAutoRotation : AutoRotation will automatically pivots the monitor to 0, 90,
180degrees when you pivots the monitor.
To execute Rotation, it should be done as below.
zPlease install both of Rotation program and MagicTune™ 3.6 in your PC.
zLaunch MagicTune™ 3.6
zOption Preference click the small box as "V" in enable task tray
zMagicTune™ control mode will be different according to monitor models.
OSD Mode