What is ImageViewer?
What is MonitorViewer?
What is PrintViewer?
ImageViewer is a viewing program which shows the colors directly on the display device when
an image is captured and created by a camera (Functionality of Monitor Viewer), and shows a
print preview for an image as well (Functionality of Print Viewer). It is an updated version of
MonitorViewer displays an image in its inherent color space state. For example, when taking a
photo with the camera set to sRGB, you can set your ImageViewer to the sRGB color space and
view your photo as it was taken.
Thus, you can view your photos on a display device with the same settings as when they were
taken. In addition, you can view photos taken in the sRGB color space, in AdobeRGB or another
color space. This has the advantage of knowing how a color space creates image effects
without actually taking a photo in that color space.
PrintViewer has the same function as the already existing PrintViewer. It shows a print preview
of an image so that you know what it looks like when it is printed.
Using MonitorViewer