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Información de seguridad

En especial, si desea instalar el producto en un lugar inusual, como un área industrial o cerca de la costa donde estará expuesto a la sal del aire, póngase en contacto con su centro de servicio más cercano.

No toque el disyuntor con las manos húmedas.

Esto podría ocasionar una descarga eléctrica.

No apague el aire acondicionado mediante el disyuntor mientras esté en funcionamiento.

Apagar el aire acondicionado y luego volverlo a encender mediante el disyuntor podría ocasionar una chispa y provocar una descarga eléctrica o fuego.

Después de desembalar el aire acondicionado, mantenga todos los materiales de embalaje fuera del alcance de los niños, ya que estos materiales pueden ser peligrosos para ellos.

Si un niño se pone una bolsa sobre la cabeza, podría llegar a ahogarse.

No toque el deflector del flujo de aire con las manos o los dedos durante el funcionamiento de calefacción.

Esto podría ocasionar descargas eléctricas o quemaduras.

No meta los dedos ni materia extraña en la entrada o salida de aire del aparato.

Tenga mucho cuidado de que los niños no se lesionen por meter los dedos en el aparato.

No golpee el aire acondicionado ni tire de él con fuerza excesiva.

Esto puede provocar fuego, lesiones o problemas con el producto.

No coloque objetos cerca de la unidad exterior que permitan que los niños se suban al aparato.

Esto puede provocar graves lesiones a los niños.

No use este aire acondicionado durante largos periodos de tiempo en lugares mal ventilados ni cerca de personas con salud delicada.

Ya que esto puede ser peligroso debido a la falta de oxígeno, abra una ventana al menos una vez por hora.


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Samsung offers a range of air conditioning units that combine advanced technologies with energy efficiency and smart features. Among the popular models are the AR24MSWNAWKNEU, AR18MSWSAWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU, AR24MSWSAWKNEU, and AR24MSPDBWKNEU. Each unit is designed to cater to different cooling requirements while ensuring optimal performance and comfort.

The AR24MSWNAWKNEU is notable for its robust cooling capacity of 24,000 BTU, making it ideal for larger rooms. It features Samsung's Fast Cooling technology, which rapidly lowers room temperature on hot days. The unit is also equipped with a Digital Inverter, enabling energy-efficient operation that adjusts the compressor speed based on cooling demand. This results in substantial energy savings and reduced electricity bills.

Moving to the AR18MSWSAWKNEU, this model is designed for medium-sized rooms, boasting an 18,000 BTU capacity. Like its larger counterpart, it incorporates the Digital Inverter technology, which contributes to quieter operation and long-lasting performance. Additionally, the unit features an Anti-Corrosion coating on the outdoor unit, ensuring durability in various environmental conditions.

The AR18MSPDBWKNEU is a versatile option with a blend of cooling and heating capabilities, making it suitable for year-round comfort. With a similar 18,000 BTU capacity, it stands out with its use of Samsung's Wind-Free Cooling technology, which disperses air through millions of micro-holes without causing discomfort from direct airflow. This allows for an even temperature distribution while maintaining a serene environment.

For those seeking enhanced energy efficiency, the AR24MSWSAWKNEU offers superior performance for larger spaces. This model also utilizes cutting-edge inverter technology and features an Energy Efficiency Ratio that places it among the top performers in the market. The sleek design and user-friendly controls make it a popular choice for modern homes.

Lastly, the AR24MSPDBWKNEU combines advanced cooling with heating functionality. The inclusion of a sophisticated air purification system helps improve indoor air quality by filtering pollutants and allergens, creating a healthier living space. The intuitive controls and smart features allow users to monitor and adjust settings remotely, making it convenient to maintain desired climate conditions.

In summary, Samsung's air conditioning models, including AR24MSWNAWKNEU, AR18MSWSAWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU, AR24MSWSAWKNEU, and AR24MSPDBWKNEU, showcase a commitment to innovative technologies, energy efficiency, and user comfort, making them excellent choices for a wide range of cooling needs.