Important Reminders
While Taking a Measurement
✓Sit still and quietly while measuring. Talking or moving may elevate measurements.
✓For consistency, it’s a good idea to measure your blood pres- sure using the same arm and at about the same time each day. If possible, we suggest using your left arm.
✓When taking multiple measurements right after each other, make sure you wait at least 10 minutes in between. Waiting allows your blood vessels to return to their normal state.
✓Sit with your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. Do not touch the cuff or monitor at any time during the mea- surement. Relax.
Applying the Cuff
•Before you put the cuff on your arm make certain that you are not wearing a thick
coat or sweater.
•If you are wearing a long sleeved shirt, roll up the sleeve, but make sure that it is not constricting circulation to your arm.
•The cuff should be positioned on your bicep and the red arterial marker should be in the center just above your elbow. Instructions are also printed directly on the cuff for reference.
•Wrap the cuff around your upper arm (usually the left) so it fits securely but is not too tight. You should be able to place 2 fingers in between the cuff and your arm. The velcro tab should fall within the "OK" range printed on the cuff for proper use.
•Place your arm on a table with your palm facing upwards. The inflation tube should line up with your arm. Do not allow the tube to kink or wrap around anything; it should fall down the center of your arm.
16 Important Reminders | Applying the Cuff 17 |