Osnovne funkcije

Reprodukcija videozapisa


1.Za otvaranje utora za disk pritisnite tipku


2.Utaknite disk u player Blu-ray diskova tako da naljepnica na disku bude okrenuta prema gore.

3.Pritisnite tipku REPRODUKCIJA ( ).

Tipke vezane uz reprodukciju


Započinje reprodukciju.









Zaustavlja reprodukciju.



• Ako jedanput pritisnete tipku : pamti

se mjesto zaustavljanja.




• Ako dvaput pritisnete tipku : ne




pamti se mjesto zaustavljanja.



Privremeno zaustavlja reprodukciju.


`` Kod nekih diskova jedan pritisak tipke ZAUSTAVI ( ) možda neće zapamtiti mjesto zaustavljanja.

`` Video datoteke s velikim brzinama prijenosa od 20 Mb/s ili većim naprežu sposobnosti playera i mogu zaustaviti reprodukciju.

Pretvarač u 3D format

Ova funkcija može pretvoriti 2D izlaz sadržaja u 2D formatu u 3D format.

1.HDMI kabelom spojite player na televizor koji podržava 3D format.

2.Prilikom reprodukcije sadržaja u 2D formatu na daljinskom upravljaču pritisnite tipku 2D3D kako biste sadržaje 2D formata pretvorili u 3D format.

3.Uzastopnim pritiskanjem tipke 2D3D možete se prebacivati između formata 2D i 3D. Ako reproducirate sadržaje 3D formata u 3D tehnici, ne možete koristiti ovu funkciju.


`` Pretvaranje sadržaja 2D formata u 3D format ili uporaba tipke 2D3D nisu mogući u sljedećim slučajevima:

-- kada player nije spojen HDMI kabelom

-- kada spojeni televizor ne podržava 3D format -- kada reproducirate sadržaje 3D formata (disk,


`` Sadržaj u 2D formatu pretvara se u sljedeće 3D formate:

-- 1080p, 24 kadrova u sekundi : Pretvaranje u 3D format od 1080 p i 24 kadrova u sekundi.

-- Ostalo : Pretvaranje u 3D format od 720 p.

-- Datoteke fotografija : Pretvaranje u 3D format od 720 p.

`` Sadržaji u 2D formatu koje player može pretvoriti u

3D format:

-- sadržaj u 2D formatu koji podržava pretvaranje u 3D format

-- Smart Hub sadržaji, DVD video, BD-ROM, VCD, datoteke videozapisa i datoteke fotografija.

`` Prilikom uporabe pretvarača u 3D format funkcija Bonusview nije dostupna.

(Ovisno o disku, pojavljuje se crni vanjski obrub.) `` Neki bi gledatelji tijekom gledanja sadržaja u 3D

formatu mogli osjetiti neugodne reakcije kao što su vrtoglavice, mučnine i glavobolje.

Prilagodba dubine 3D prikaza

Funkcija dubine 3D prikaza omogućuje prilagodbu dubine 3D prikaza prilikom pretvaranja iz 2D u 3D format. Vrijednosti su u rasponu od 1 do 10. Veći broj predstavlja veću dubinu 3D prikaza.

1.Kada gledate sadržaje pretvorene u 3D format, pritisnite tipku TOOLS.

2.Pritišćite tipke ▲▼ da biste odabrali 3D Depth, zatim pritisnite tipku UNESI.

3.Prilagodite dubinu 3D prikaza pomoću tipki ◄►.

06 Osnovne funkcije

Hrvatski 45

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Samsung BD-D7000/EN manual Pretvarač u 3D format, Reprodukcija videozapisa, Tipke vezane uz reprodukciju

BD-D7000/EN specifications

The Samsung BD-D7000/EN is a state-of-the-art Blu-ray player that stands out with its sleek design and advanced features. Launched as part of Samsung's line of high-definition home entertainment systems, this model is not only a typical Blu-ray player but also a versatile media hub that can elevate your viewing experience.

One of the key features of the BD-D7000/EN is its ability to play a variety of disc formats. It is compatible with Blu-ray discs, DVDs, and CDs, allowing users to enjoy a vast library of content without needing multiple players. Its exceptional upscaling technology enhances the quality of standard DVDs to near High Definition, ensuring that older content looks impressive on high-resolution TVs.

In addition to its disc playback capabilities, the BD-D7000/EN boasts an array of smart features. It includes built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows users to access various streaming services directly from the player. Services such as Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu can be navigated seamlessly, making it easy to enjoy a wide range of online content. Additionally, the player supports Samsung’s Smart Hub interface, providing an intuitive platform for users to browse and discover new media.

Audio quality is another standout characteristic of the BD-D7000/EN. It supports high-definition audio formats, including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. This ensures that viewers can experience immersive sound that complements the stunning visuals, enhancing the overall entertainment experience. Moreover, the player’s HDMI output allows for a straightforward connection to modern televisions and sound systems.

Furthermore, the BD-D7000/EN is designed with a sleek, minimalistic aesthetic, featuring a slim profile that can fit into any entertainment setup without taking up excessive space. Its touch-sensitive controls add a modern twist, allowing for easy navigation without the need for protruding buttons.

For those who value convenience and versatility, the Samsung BD-D7000/EN serves as a reliable option that combines high-quality Blu-ray playback, smart streaming features, and impressive audio performance. It's an excellent investment for anyone looking to enhance their home theater experience with cutting-edge technology and design.