Using the Kids Meal Button
1Press the Kids Meal button corresponding to the food you are
The display shows : “A-1”. (code of item)
Press the Kids Meal button repeatedly to select the item you
want.(Refer to the Kids Meal Chart below)
2Press the Number 1 or 2 button to select the serving size you want.
(Refer to the Kids Meal Chart below for the serving.)
3Press the Start button to begin cooking.

Kids Meal Chart


Hot Dogs - For the best texture, buns should be added to hot
dogs when the oven beeps.
Using the Snack Bar Button
1Press the Snack Bar button corresponding to the food you are
The display shows : “A-1”. (code of item)
Press the Snack Bar button repeatedly to select the item you
want.(Refer to the Snack Bar Chart below)
2Press the Number 1 or 2 button to select the serving size you want.
Only the 1 but to n (s er vi ng ) i s a v ai la bl e f or Na c ho s.
(Refer to the Snack Bar Chart below for the serving)
3Press Start button to begin cooking.

Snack Bar Chart

Item Code Weight Remarks
Nuggets A-1 4-5 oz
6-7 oz Put a paper towel on top of plate and
arrange nuggets in spoke fashion.
Do not cover. Let stand 1 minute
after heating.
Hot Dogs A-2 2 EA
4 EA Prick hot dogs, place on plate. When
the oven beeps, add buns and re-
start the oven.
French Fries A-3 4-5 oz
6-7 oz Place 2 paper towels on microwave-
safe plate and arrange french fries
on towels, do not overlap.
B lot with additional paper towel after
removal from oven.
Sandwiches A-4 1 EA
2 EA P lace frozen sandwich in susceptor
"sleeve" (which is in package) and
put on plate.
Item Code Weight Remarks
Nachos A-1 1 serving Place tortilla chips on plate
without overlapping.
Sprinkle evenly with cheese.
Co ntents :
- 2 cups tortilla chips
- 1/3 cup grated cheese
Chicken Wings A-2 5-6 oz
7-8 oz Use pre-cooked, refrigerated
chicken wings.
Place chicken wings around plate
in spoke fashion and cover with
wax paper.
Potato Skins A-3 1 cooked
2 cooked
Cu t cooked potato into 4 even
wedges. Scoop or cut out potato
flesh, leaving about 1/4" of skin.
Place skins in spoke fashion
around plate.
Sprinkle with bacon, onions and
cheese. Do not cover.
Cheese Sticks A-4 5-6 pcs
7-10 pcs Place cheese sticks on plate in
spoke fashion.
Do not cover.