DPOF (Digital Print Order Format)
A format for writing printing information, such as selected images and number of prints, on a memory card.
EV (Exposure Value)
All the combinations of the camera’s shutter speed and lens aperture that result in the same exposure.
EV Compensation
This feature allows you to quickly adjust the exposure value measured by the camera, in limited increments, to improve the exposure of your photos. Set the EV compensation to
Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format)
A specification to define an image file format for digital cameras created by the Japan Electronic Industries Development Association (JEIDA).
The amount of light allowed to reach the camera’s sensor. Exposure is controlled by a combination of the shutter speed, the aperture value, and ISO sensitivity.
A speed light that helps to create adequate exposure in
Focal length
The distance from the middle of the lens to its focal point (in millimeters). Longer focal lengths result in narrower angles of view and the subject is magnified. Shorter focal lengths result in wider angles of view.
Appendixes 154