

Målingen betegner den måde, hvorpå kameraet måler mængden af lys til indstilling af eksponeringen.


Et videoformat der er komprimeret som et JPEG-billede.


"Misfortolkede" pixels i et digitalt billede der anbringes forkert eller tilfældige, lysende pixels. Støj opstår normalt, når et billede optages med en høj følsomhed, eller når følsomheden indstilles automatisk på mørke steder.

Optisk zoom

Dette er en generel zoom, der kan forstørre billeder med et objektiv, og som ikke forringer billedkvaliteten.


Et udtryk for den grad af komprimering, der anvendes på et digitalt billede. Billeder med højere kvalitet har en lavere komprimeringsgrad, og det medfører oftest en større filstørrelse.


Det antal pixels der findes i et digitalt billede. Billeder med høj opløsning indeholder flere pixels og viser typisk flere detaljer end billeder med lav opløsning.


Lukkerhastigheden refererer til den tid, det tager at åbne og lukke lukkeren, og dette er en vigtig faktor for et billedes lysstyrke, da den kontrollerer den mængde lys, der når at komme ind gennem blænderen, før det når billedsensoren. En høj lukkerhastighed vil give mindre tid til at lukke lyset ind, hvorfor billedet vil blive mørkere, og du kan lettere tage billeder af motiver i bevægelse.


En reduktion af et billedes lysstyrke eller mætning i periferien (ydre kanter) sammenlignet med billedets midte. Vignettering kan henlede opmærksomheden på genstanden der er anbragt i midten af et billede.

Hvidbalance (farvebalance)

En justering af farvernes intensitet (typisk primærfarverne rød, grøn og blå) i et billede. Målet med justering af hvidbalancen - eller farvebalancen - er at gengive farverne i et billede korrekt.

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Samsung EC-ES80ZZBPSE2 Måling, Mjpeg Motion Jpeg, Støj, Optisk zoom, Kvalitet, Opløsning, Udløserhastighed, Vignettering

EC-ES80ZZBPPE2, EC-ES80ZZBPSE2, EC-ES80ZZBPBE2 specifications

The Samsung EC-ES80ZZBPBE2 is a compact digital camera that combines style and functionality, making it an ideal choice for both photography enthusiasts and casual users. This sleek camera is part of Samsung's EC series, known for its innovative features and user-friendly interface.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES80 is its 14.2-megapixel resolution, which delivers stunning images with incredible detail. Whether you are photographing landscapes, portraits, or close-up shots, the high pixel count allows for excellent image quality, enabling users to print large formats without losing clarity.

The camera is equipped with a 5x optical zoom lens, providing a focal range of 27mm to 135mm. This versatile zoom allows users to capture wide-angle shots as well as distant subjects, making it suitable for various shooting scenarios. Coupled with Samsung’s Smart Auto feature, the camera automatically selects the optimal settings, ensuring that each photo is taken under the best possible conditions, even in challenging lighting.

Another notable characteristic of the EC-ES80 is its Dual Image Stabilization feature, which combines both optical and digital stabilization technologies. This ensures clear images with minimal motion blur, particularly useful for handheld photography in low-light conditions.

The camera also boasts a 2.7-inch LCD screen that provides a clear view of images and settings, making it easy to frame shots and navigate menus. With a variety of scene modes—including Portrait, Landscape, and Night—users can quickly switch settings to suit the shooting environment, enhancing their creative control.

For those who enjoy sharing photos online, the EC-ES80 offers a range of connectivity options. It’s compatible with various social media platforms, making it easy to upload images directly from the camera to the web.

Additionally, the camera features a compact body, which makes it highly portable and perfect for travel. Its stylish design is appealing, and the user-friendly interface means that even beginners can quickly learn to operate the camera.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES80ZZBPBE2 is a well-rounded digital camera that caters to a wide audience with its impressive specifications, innovative technology, and ease of use. Whether you are capturing everyday moments or special events, this camera is equipped to deliver quality results. Its blend of functionality and design ensures that it remains a relevant choice in the world of compact digital photography.