Samsung EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZPDA/E3, EC-S860ZSDA/E3 manual MČĜení expozice, Ostrost, Normální


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MČĜení expozice

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[MULTI] : Expozice bude vypoþtena jako prĤmČrná hodnota dostupného svČtla v oblasti fotografo- vaného snímku. Výpoþet však upĜednostĖuje hodnoty v blízkosti stĜedu snímku. Toto nastavení je vhodné pro obecné použití.

[BODOVÉ] : SvČtlo je mČĜeno pouze ve stĜedu snímaného obrazu zobrazeného na LCD displeji. Tato metoda je vhodná v pĜípadČ, že si pĜejete správnČ exponovat objekt ve stĜedu bez ohledu na protisvČtlo.

ÄPokud se objekt nenachází uprostĜed oblasti ostĜení, nepoužívejte bodové mČĜení, neboĢ mĤže dojít k chybnému výpoþtu expozice. V tomto pĜípadČ je lepší využít korekci expozice.


U snímku, který právČ chcete poĜídit, mĤžete

upravit ostrost. Efekt ostĜení nemĤžete na

LCD displeji pĜed expozicí snímku použít,

protože tato funkce pracuje pouze se snímky

uloženými v pamČti.




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Samsung EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZPDA/E3, EC-S860ZSDA/E3, EC-S860ZPDA/E3, EC-D860ZSBC/FR MČĜení expozice, Ostrost, Normální

EC-D860ZSDB/E3, EC-S760ZUDA/E3, EC-S760ZBDA/E3, EC-S860ZSDA/E3, EC-S760ZPDA/E3 specifications

The Samsung EC-S860ZUDA/E3, EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZSDA/E3, EC-S760ZPBA/E2, and EC-D760ZSDB/E3 are notable compact digital cameras that exemplify Samsung's commitment to delivering high-quality imaging and user-friendly features. These models, with their sleek designs and robust capabilities, cater to photography enthusiasts and casual users alike.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-S860 series is the incorporation of high-resolution sensors. With an 8-megapixel sensor featured in the EC-S860ZUDA/E3 and EC-S860ZBDA/E3, and a 7-megapixel sensor in the EC-S760ZSDA/E3 and EC-S760ZPBA/E2, these cameras are designed to capture crisp, clear images even in challenging lighting conditions. The EC-D760ZSDB/E3 further enhances this capability with its advanced image processing technologies, ensuring that photos retain their vibrancy and detail.

The optical zoom capabilities of these cameras are also impressive. With a range of 3x to 5x optical zoom, users can capture distant subjects without compromising image quality. This is complemented by the cameras' digital zoom features, which provide additional flexibility when framing shots.

Samsung's commitment to ease of use is evident in the intuitive interfaces and controls that these models offer. The user-friendly menus and button layouts make it easy for both novices and seasoned photographers to navigate settings quickly, allowing them to focus on capturing memorable moments. The inclusion of automatic scene modes helps to simplify shooting in various conditions, automatically adjusting settings to optimize results.

In addition, these cameras boast features such as face detection, which enhances portrait photography by ensuring subjects are in sharp focus, and blink detection, which alerts users if a subject’s eyes are closed in a shot. The built-in flash also aids in low-light situations, further improving versatility.

Connectivity options such as USB ports make it easy to transfer photos to computers and other devices. Overall, the Samsung EC-S860ZUDA/E3, EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZSDA/E3, EC-S760ZPBA/E2, and EC-D760ZSDB/E3 offer an appealing combination of advanced features, convenience, and quality, appealing to a broad range of users looking for reliable compact cameras.