Zdravstvene i sigurnosne informacije

Mjere sigurnosti

Pažljiva pohrana i rukovanje fotoaparatom

Ne dozvolite da se fotoaparat smoči, tekućine mogu uzrokovati ozbiljnu štetu. Fotoaparatom nemojte rukovati mokrim rukama. Oštećenja fotoaparata uzrokovana vodom poništavaju jamstvo proizvođača.

Fotoaparat ne izlažite izravnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti niti visokoj temperaturi u dužem vremenskom razdoblju. Duža izloženost sunčevoj svjetlosti ili ekstremnim temperaturama može uzrokovati trajna oštećenja na unutrašnjim komponentama fotoaparata.

Izbjegavajte korištenje ili spremanje fotoaparata na prašnjava, prljava, vlažna ili slabo zračena mjesta kako bi spriječili oštećenja pokretnih dijelova i unutrašnjih komponenti.

Uklonite baterije iz fotoaparata ako ga duže nećete koristiti. Umetnute baterije tijekom vremena mogu procuriti ili korodirati i uzrokovati ozbiljna oštećenja fotoaparata.

Zaštitite fotoaparat od pijeska i prljavštine ako ga koristite na plaži ili na sličnom području.

Zaštitite fotoaparat od udaraca, grubog rukovanja i pretjeranih vibracija kako biste izbjegli ozbiljna oštećenja.

Budite pažljivi prilikom priključivanja kabela ili prilagodnika te ugradnje baterija i memorijskih kartica. Spajanje priključaka na silu, nepravilno povezivanje kabela ili nepravilna ugradnja baterija i memorijskih kartica može oštetiti priključke, kontakte ili pribor.

Nemojte umetati strane predmete u bilo koje utore ili odjeljke fotoaparata. Oštećenja uzrokovana nepravilnom upotrebom možda neće biti pokrivena jamstvom.

Nemojte zamahivati fotoaparatom obješenim o remen. Time biste mogli ozlijediti sebe i druge.

Nemojte bojiti fotoaparat jer boja može začepiti pomične dijelove i onemogućiti pravilan rad.

Boja ili metal na kućištu fotoaparata mogu uzrokovati alergije, svrbež, ekcem ili otekline kod osoba s osjetljivom kožom. Ako se pojavi neki od tih simptoma, prestanite koristiti fotoaparat i obratite se liječniku.

Zaštita baterija, punjača i memorijskih kartica od oštećenja

Izbjegavajte izlaganje baterija i memorijskih kartica vrlo niskim ili visokim temperaturama (ispod 0° C/32° F ili iznad 40° C/

104° F). Ekstremne temperature mogu smanjiti kapacitet baterija i uzrokovati nepravilan rad memorijskih kartica.

Spriječite dodir baterija i metalnih objekata jer time može doći do veze između + i – polova baterije te do privremenog ili trajnog oštećenja baterije. To može izazvati požar ili strujni udar.

Spriječite kontakt memorijskih kartica s tekućinama, prašinom ili stranim tvarima. Ukoliko su prljave, kartice prije umetanja u fotoaparat obrišite mekanom krpom.

Spriječite kontakt utora za memorijske kartice s tekućinama, prašinom ili stranim tvarima. U protivnom se fotoaparat može pokvariti.


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Samsung EC-ST5500BPBE3 Zdravstvene i sigurnosne informacije, Pažljiva pohrana i rukovanje fotoaparatom, Mjere sigurnosti

EC-ST5500BPAE3, EC-ST5500BPOE3, EC-ST5500BPBE3 specifications

The Samsung EC-ST5500 series consists of three highly advanced digital cameras that exemplify Samsung's commitment to quality and innovation in consumer electronics. These models – EC-ST5500BPBE3, EC-ST5500BPOE3, and EC-ST5500BPAE3 – are packed with features designed to enhance photography experiences while being user-friendly and stylish.

At the core of these cameras is a 16.1-megapixel CCD sensor that captures vibrant images with exceptional clarity. This high resolution is ideal for both casual photography and more serious pursuits, allowing users to print large-size photos without losing detail. The lenses on these cameras feature a versatile 5x optical zoom, making it easy to capture both wide-angle shots and detailed close-ups. Users will appreciate the ease with which they can transition from scenic landscapes to intricate details of their subjects.

Each camera in this series incorporates Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which intelligently analyzes the scene and selects the best settings for optimal results. Whether shooting in bright sunlight or low-light conditions, the Smart Auto feature ensures that users achieve the best possible images without needing to understand the complexities of manual settings. Additionally, the EC-ST5500 series supports a range of shooting modes, including portrait, landscape, macro, and night mode, providing creative flexibility for all types of photography.

One of the standout technologies in the EC-ST5500 series is the Dual Image Stabilization feature. This technology combines optical and digital stabilization to help reduce blurriness caused by camera shake, yielding sharper images even in challenging shooting conditions. It is particularly useful for capturing images while in motion or during low-light situations.

The series also comes equipped with a 3-inch touchscreen display, which simplifies navigation and enhances the user experience. This interactive display allows for easy framing of shots and quick access to settings, ensuring that users remain engaged with their photography. The intuitive interface enables both novice and advanced photographers to switch between different modes and effects seamlessly.

To further enhance creative options, the EC-ST5500 cameras offer a range of fun filters and effects that can be applied directly to images at the time of shooting. This feature allows users to experiment with their photographs, giving them the ability to personalize their visual storytelling.

In summary, the Samsung EC-ST5500BPBE3, EC-ST5500BPOE3, and EC-ST5500BPAE3 cameras deliver an impressive combination of technology, ease of use, and style. Their robust features, including high-resolution sensors, Smart Auto technology, Dual Image Stabilization, and a user-friendly touchscreen, make them excellent choices for anyone looking to enhance their photography skills while enjoying the simplicity and convenience offered by these versatile cameras.