Visning af billeder eller videoer i Afspilningstilstanden

Visning af panoramabilleder

Vis fotos optaget i tilstanden Levende panorama.

1 Tryk i Afspilningstilstand på [F/t] for at rulle til et ønsket panoramafoto.

Hele panoramabilledet vises på skærmen.

2 Tryk på [o].

Kameraet ruller automatisk gennem billedet en runde fra venstre til højre for at opnå et vandret panoramisk billede og fra top til bund for et lodret panoramisk billede. Herefter skifter kameraet til afspilningstilstanden.

Under visning af et panoramafoto kan du trykke på [o] for at holde pause i eller genoptage visningen.

Når du har stoppet afspilningen af et panoramabillede midlertidigt, kan du trykke på [D/c/F/t] for at flytte billedet vandret eller lodret, afhængigt af den retning du bevægede kameraet i, mens du tog billedet.

3 Tryk på [m] for at vende tilbage til Afspilningstilstanden.

Kameraet ruller kun automatisk gennem panoramafotoet, hvis fotoets længste side er mindst dobbelt så lang som den korteste side.

Afspilning af et diasshow

Anvend effekter og lyd på et diasshow med dine billeder. Diasshowfunktionen virker ikke med videoer.

1 I Afspilningstilstand: Tryk på [m].

2 Vælg C.

3 Vælg effekt til et diasshow.

Gå til trin 4 for at starte et diasshow uden effekter.


* Standard




Indstil, om diasshowet skal gentages eller ej.

(Afspil, Gentag afspilning)





Vælg de billeder, der skal afspilles som diasshow.


• Alle*: Afspiller alle billeder i et diasshow.


• Dato: Afspiller billeder fra en bestemt dato i et




• Vælg: Afspiller valgte billeder i et diasshow.


• Indstil intervallet mellem billederne.


(1 sek*, 3 sek, 5 sek, 10 sek)

• Du skal indstille muligheden for Effekt til Fra for at



indstille intervallet.



Afspilning/redigering 80

Page 81
Image 81
Samsung EC-ST88ZZBPWE2 Tryk på o, Tryk på m for at vende tilbage til Afspilningstilstanden, Visning af panoramabilleder


The Samsung EC-ST88 series of digital cameras, which includes models EC-ST88ZZBPWE2, EC-ST89ZZBPWRU, EC-ST88ZZFPLE2, EC-ST88ZZBPBE2, and EC-ST88ZZFPWRU, represents a blend of style, functionality, and innovation. These compact cameras leverage advanced imaging technologies that make them popular among photography enthusiasts and casual users alike.

One of the main features of the Samsung EC-ST88 series is the impressive image sensor that captures high-resolution images with remarkable clarity. The built-in 16-megapixel sensor ensures that photos have excellent detail and vibrancy. This is particularly beneficial for those who appreciate the subtleties of color in landscapes or portraits.

Another notable characteristic is the series’ powerful zoom capabilities. The optical zoom range provides the flexibility to capture distant subjects while maintaining image quality. The zoom features are complemented by optical image stabilization technology, which reduces blurriness resulting from camera shake, making it easier to shoot smooth, clear images in various conditions.

The cameras are equipped with a high-quality lens system that enhances overall performance. Users can take advantage of advanced settings such as face detection, smile shot, and blink detection, which help in composing perfect shots without missing those fleeting moments. Additionally, the integration of scene modes ensures that users can optimize their settings for different shooting environments, whether it's a bright sunny day or a dimly lit gathering.

The EC-ST88 series also shines in terms of user interface, featuring an intuitive menu system and bright LCD screens that make it easy to operate. The cameras boast a compact design, making them extremely portable and ideal for on-the-go shooting.

Furthermore, the built-in Wi-Fi connectivity in specific models allows for effortless sharing of photos and videos directly to social media or cloud storage, enhancing the user experience. The ability to link with smartphones for remote shooting adds an extra layer of convenience for photographers looking to capture creative angles or group shots easily.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ST88 series, including the EC-ST88ZZBPWE2, EC-ST89ZZBPWRU, EC-ST88ZZFPLE2, EC-ST88ZZBPBE2, and EC-ST88ZZFPWRU, combines innovative technology with versatility. With impressive imaging capabilities, a user-friendly interface, and smart connectivity features, these cameras serve as a reliable companion for capturing life’s unforgettable moments. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, the EC-ST88 series caters to a diverse audience with its well-rounded feature set.