Informācija par veselību un drošību

Izvairieties no kameras vai lādētāja nosegšanas ar segām vai drēbēm.

Kamera var pārkarst un tādējādi var tikt izraisīti darbības traucējumi vai aizdegšanās.

Pērkona laikā nepieskarieties strāvas padeves vadam un netuvojieties lādētājam.

Pretējā gadījumā ir iespējams saņemt elektriskās strāvas triecienu.

Ja kamerā iekļūs šķidrums vai svešķermeņi, nekavējoties atvienojiet visus elektroenerģijas padeves avotus, piemēram, akumulatoru un lādētāju, un sazinieties ar Samsung klientu apkalpošanas centru.

Ievērojiet visus noteikumus, kas ierobežo kameras lietošanu noteiktās vietās.

Nepieļaujiet mijiedarbību ar citām elektroniskām ierīcēm.

Atrodoties lidmašīnā, izslēdziet kameru. Kamera var radīt lidmašīnas iekārtu darbības traucējumus. Ievērojiet visus lidsabiedrību noteikumus un izslēdziet kameru, kad to pieprasa lidsabiedrības darbinieki.

Izslēdziet kameru medicīnas iekārtu tuvumā. Kamera var radīt medicīnas iekārtu darbības traucējumus slimnīcās vai citās veselības aprūpes iestādēs. Ievērojiet visus noteikumus, norādītos brīdinājumus un medicīnas darbinieku norādījumus.

Nelietojiet kameru elektrokardiostimulatoru tuvumā.

Atbilstoši ražotāja un izpētes grupas ieteikumiem, saglabājiet distanci starp kameru un visiem elektrokardiostimulatoriem, lai izvairītos no iespējamiem traucējumiem. Ja jums ir jebkāds iemesls aizdomām, ka kamera traucē elektrokardiostimulatora vai citas medicīniskas ierīces darbībai, nekavējoties izslēdziet kameru un sazinieties ar sirds stimulatora vai medicīniskās ierīces ražotāju, lai saņemtu padomu, kā rīkoties šādā situācijā.


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Samsung EC-WB250FFPBE2, EC-WB250FBPBE2, EC-WB250FBPWE2 manual Nepieļaujiet mijiedarbību ar citām elektroniskām ierīcēm

EC-WB250FFPBE2, EC-WB250FFPWE2, EC-WB250FFPRE2, EC-WB250FBPRE2, EC-WB250FBPWE2 specifications

Samsung has consistently delivered innovative and user-friendly products across various electronic categories. Among its renowned lineup is the series of compact digital cameras represented by the models EC-WB250FBPBE2, EC-WB252FBDWE2, EC-WB250FFPAE2, EC-WB252FBDBE2, and EC-WB250FBPWE2. These cameras are perfect for photography enthusiasts looking to combine portability with advanced technology.

One of the standout features of these camera models is their impressive 14-megapixel resolution, allowing users to capture high-quality images rich in detail and clarity. Additionally, they are equipped with a 21x optical zoom lens, enabling photographers to get closer to their subjects without losing quality. This feature is particularly useful for capturing distant landscapes or candid moments during events.

Another remarkable aspect of these models is the built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, which facilitates easy sharing of photos and videos directly from the camera to social media platforms or other devices. This connectivity is complemented by Samsung's Smart Link technology, which simplifies the process of connecting to smartphones and tablets for enhanced functionality.

The cameras boast features like Smart Auto mode, which intelligently analyzes the environment and selects the best settings for various shooting conditions. This can be invaluable for amateur photographers or those wanting to quickly capture spontaneous moments without fiddling with manual settings.

Samsung has also integrated a variety of shooting modes, including Panorama and Night modes, enhancing the versatility of these cameras. The Panorama mode allows users to create sweeping landscape images effortlessly, while the Night mode optimizes low-light shooting, ensuring great results even in challenging lighting conditions.

The design of these models is not only sleek but also ergonomically designed for comfortable handling. The intuitive user interface and vibrant display make it easy for users to navigate settings and view images, adding to the overall user experience.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-WB250FBPBE2, EC-WB252FBDWE2, EC-WB250FFPAE2, EC-WB252FBDBE2, and EC-WB250FBPWE2 digital cameras are equipped with an array of features and technologies catering to various photography needs. With high-resolution imaging, advanced zoom capabilities, connectivity options, and smart shooting modes, these compact cameras are ideal companions for anyone who loves capturing life's moments in stunning detail. Whether you're an aspiring photographer or simply wish to document daily adventures, this lineup offers the tools necessary to elevate your photography experience.