065 Edit
065 Resize
066 Rotating an image
066 Photo Style Selector
067 Image Adjust
069 Starting the Multi Slide Show
069 Start the Multi Slide Show
069 Selecting Images
070 Conî‚¿gure Multi Slide show effects
070 Setting play interval
070 Setting Background Music
071 File Options
071 Deleting images
071 Protecting images
072 Voice memo
073 DPOF
075 Copy to Card
076 PictBridge
077 PictBridge : Picture Selection
077 PictBridge : Print Setting
078 PictBridge : Reset
078 Important notes
080 Warning indicator
081 Before contacting a service center
083 Specifications
SOFTWARE 086 Transferring files to your computer
(for Windows)
086 For Windows users
090 Transferring files to your computer (for Mac)
090 For Mac users
092 FAQ