Samsung EV-NX30ZZBGBHU, EV-NX30ZZBGBDE 188, 在潮湿环境下谨慎使用相机, 其他重要提示, 不使用时请关闭相机。 相机由精密部件组成。避免相机受到碰撞。


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附录 > 维护相机


如果将相机从寒冷的环境移到温暖的环境中,会在相机的镜头或内部零 件上发生冷凝。在此情况下,请关闭相机并等待至少 1 小时。如果在 存储卡上发生冷凝,请从相机中取出存储卡,待所有湿气蒸发后再重新 插入相机。


请勿以相机带晃动相机。否则,可能会对您或其他人造成伤害或可能 会损坏相机。

请勿给相机上漆,因为油漆可能会阻塞移动部件,使其无法正常操 作。



不使用时,将相机装入相机包,保护显示屏不受外力损坏。使相机远 离沙粒、尖锐器具或硬币,保护相机不受刮擦。

如果屏幕破裂或碎裂,请勿再使用相机。碎玻璃或丙烯酸可能会伤到 您的手和脸。将相机送往三星服务中心进行维修。

请勿将相机、电池、充电器或配件放在微波炉、火炉或散热器等热源 设备附近、上面或里面。热量会使这些设备变形或过热,从而可能造 成火灾或爆炸。

请勿将镜头暴露在直射阳光下,这可能会造成图像传感器褪色或出现 故障。

请勿在镜头上留下指纹和刮痕。请使用无碎屑的干净软镜头布清洁镜 头。

如果受到外力碰撞,相机可能会关闭。这是为了保护存储卡。打开相 机即可重新使用。

使用相机时,相机可能会变热。这属正常现象,不会影响相机的使用 寿命或性能。

在低温下使用相机时,开机可能需要一些时间,显示屏的颜色可能会 暂时改变,或出现残像。这些情况不是故障现象,当相机回到比较温 暖的状态下时会自行纠正。

相机外部的油漆或金属可能导致皮肤敏感人士出现过敏、皮肤瘙痒、 湿疹、或肿胀。如果您遇到任何这些症状,请立即停止使用相机,并 咨询医生。

请勿将任何异物插入相机的任何体槽、插槽或接入点内。因使用不当 造成的损坏不在保修范围之内。

请勿让不合格人员维修相机或尝试自行维修。任何因不合格维修而造 成的损坏均不在保修范围之内。


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Samsung EV-NX30ZZBGBHU, EV-NX30ZZBGBDE, EV-NX30ZZBZBCZ manual 188, 在潮湿环境下谨慎使用相机, 其他重要提示, 不使用时请关闭相机。 相机由精密部件组成。避免相机受到碰撞。


The Samsung EV-NX30ZZBGBDE, EV-NX30ZZBGBHU, EV-NX30ZZBZBDE, EV-NX30ZZBMBDE, and EV-NX30ZZBZBTR are part of Samsung's advanced camera series that combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features. These models offer an impressive array of specifications, catering to both amateur and professional photographers.

At the heart of the Samsung EV-NX30 series is the 20.3-megapixel APS-C sensor, which delivers outstanding image quality with remarkable detail and dynamic range. This large sensor format allows for enhanced low-light performance, making it ideal for shooting in challenging lighting conditions. Coupled with the DRIMe IV image processor, the cameras ensure fast image processing, allowing for quick shutter speeds and reduced lag time.

One of the standout features of the NX30 series is the versatile and intuitive touchscreen interface. The 3.0-inch AMOLED display is not only vibrant but also fully articulating, enabling users to shoot from various angles and perspectives. This flexibility promotes creative framing and enhances the overall shooting experience.

The EV-NX30 models are equipped with advanced autofocus technology, with a hybrid autofocus system that combines phase detection and contrast detection. This ensures rapid and accurate focusing, even on moving subjects. The continuous shooting mode offers up to 9 frames per second, making it suitable for capturing fast-action sequences.

In terms of connectivity, these cameras are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities, allowing for effortless sharing of images and remote control via mobile devices. This feature caters to the modern photographer’s needs for connectivity and social media sharing.

Additionally, the NX30 series supports a variety of creative filters and modes, allowing users to apply artistic effects in-camera. From vintage looks to modern artistic styles, these features add a fun element to the photography process.

Overall, the Samsung EV-NX30ZZBGBDE, EV-NX30ZZBGBHU, EV-NX30ZZBZBDE, EV-NX30ZZBMBDE, and EV-NX30ZZBZBTR are exceptional cameras that seamlessly blend advanced technology with user-friendly features. They are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their photography skills, providing versatility, quality, and ease of use in a stylish package. Whether capturing landscapes, portraits, or fast-paced action, these cameras rise to the occasion, making them a worthy addition to any photographer's toolkit.