3. “Please say the name, number, voice mail or last number”
plays through the speaker.
4. To use Digit Dialing, say the area code and number you
want to dial into the microphone, clearly and naturally.
To use Name Dialing, say the name of one of your Contacts
you want to dial.
The entry for Name Dialing must be stored in your Contact list.
5. The number or name you said is repeated through the
speaker and your phone dials the number.
6. If Voice Commands is not sure of the number you said, a
list of possible matches appears in the display.
7. You’re asked to confirm the correct number as Voice
Commands displays the results.
Say “
” to confirm the number.
Say “
” to reject the number.
Say “
” to exit the Voice Command.
Say “
” to have the selected number read one more time.
In case various numbers are displayed, “Which Number?” will
display in the Listening menu option.
8. The location is repeated through the speaker and your
phone dials the number.
Send <Msg Type>
Send Text, Picture or Video
Use the following steps to send a text, picture or video message
with Voice Commands.
1. From
My Shortcuts
menu, touch
Voice Commands
2. A list of commands appears in the display and the audio
prompt "Please say a command" plays through the
speakerphone, if it is enabled.
3. Say “Send Text” or “Send Picture” or “Send Video” at a
distance of 3-12 inches from the microphone.
“Please say the name or number” plays through the
4. Say the name exactly as it is displayed in your Contacts
list, or say the phone number of the recipient.