Sargājiet akumulatorus un lādētājus no bojājumiem

Nepakļaujiet akumulatoru ļoti zemas vai ļoti augstas temperatūras iedarbībai (temperatūrai, kas zemāka par 0 °C/32 °F vai augstāka par 45 °C/113 °F).

Krasas temperatūras svārstības var mazināt akumulatoru uzlādes jaudu un kalpošanas laiku.

Akumulators nedrīkst saskarties ar metāla priekšmetiem, jo šādi var rasties savienojums starp akumulatora + un - spailēm, izraisot īslaicīgus vai neatgriezeniskus akumulatora bojājumus.

Nelietojiet bojātu lādētāju vai akumulatoru.

Rīkojieties ar tālruni uzmanīgi un pareizi

Neizjauciet savu tālruni, jo pastāv risks saņemt elektrisko triecienu.

Tālrunis nedrīkst kļūt mitrs – šķidrumi var izraisīt nopietnus bojājumus, un uzlīme, kas norāda ūdens izraisītus bojājumus tālrunī, maina krāsu. Nelietojiet tālruni, ja jums ir mitras rokas. Ūdens izraisītu bojājumu dēļ ražotāja garantija var tikt anulēta.

Lai izvairītos no kustīgo daļu bojājumiem, nelietojiet un neglabājiet tālruni putekļainās un netīrās vietās.

Šis tālrunis ir sarežģīta elektroniska ierīce – lai izvairītos no nopietniem bojājumiem, sargājiet to no triecieniem un nesaudzīgas lietošanas.

Nekrāsojiet tālruni, jo krāsa var bloķēt kustīgās daļas un traucēt to pareizu darbību.

Ja tālrunis ir aprīkots ar zibspuldzi vai gaismu, nelietojiet to bērnu vai dzīvnieku acu tuvumā.

Tālruni var sabojāt, pakļaujot magnētisko lauku iedarbībai. Neizmantojiet somiņas vai piederumus ar magnētiskiem slēdžiem un nepakļaujiet tālruni

ilgstošai magnētisko lauku ietekmei.

informācija par drošību un lietošanu


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Samsung GT-C3510XKASEB manual Sargājiet akumulatorus un lādētājus no bojājumiem, Rīkojieties ar tālruni uzmanīgi un pareizi

GT-C3510SIASEB, GT-C3510XKASEB specifications

The Samsung GT-C3510XKASEB and GT-C3510SIASEB are notable entries in Samsung’s line of feature phones, targeting users who value simplicity and reliability over the complexity of smartphones. Launched in an era when basic functionalities were prioritized, these models offer essential features that cater to everyday communication needs.

One of the standout features of the GT-C3510 series is its user-friendly interface. Both models come equipped with a 2.8-inch touchscreen display, allowing for easy navigation and interaction, which was a significant improvement over traditional non-touch phones. The resolution of the screen ensures that text and images are clear and easy to read, making it convenient for users who enjoy browsing basic content or accessing contact information.

In terms of connectivity, the GT-C3510 series supports GPRS and EDGE, enabling users to connect to the internet for basic browsing and social media access. While it may not support 3G or 4G, the available options are sufficient for light users who primarily use their phones for messaging and calls, rather than heavy data consumption.

The main highlight of these devices is their calling and messaging capabilities. The GT-C3510 models come with the classic alphanumeric keypad along with touchscreen features, making typing messages intuitive and quick. Users can enjoy SMS, MMS, and email services, ensuring that communication is seamless.

Another defining characteristic is the multimedia capabilities. These models come equipped with a 1.3-megapixel camera, allowing users to capture memories in a basic format. Additionally, they support audio formats such as MP3 and WAV, making it possible for users to enjoy music on the go. The integration of FM radio adds an element of entertainment, allowing users to tune into their favorite stations.

Battery life is a critical aspect of the GT-C3510 series, as the devices are designed to last for extended periods on a single charge. With a removable battery, users can carry an extra one for added convenience, ensuring that they stay connected even during long trips or busy days.

In summary, the Samsung GT-C3510XKASEB and GT-C3510SIASEB are reliable feature phones that cater to those who seek a straightforward mobile experience. With their user-friendly interface, essential connectivity options, multimedia capabilities, and enduring battery life, these models remain a practical choice for users prioritizing basic, efficient communication on the go.