Customise your device
Your device includes preset profiles that control ringtones, key tones, and alerts and themes that control skins, wallpaper, and menu layouts. You can activate profiles for different situations, personalise profiles, apply themes, and download new themes from the web.
Activate a profile
1.In Standby mode, press [Menu] → Settings → Profiles.2.Scroll to a profile and press <Options> → Activate.In Standby mode, the current profile is shown at the top of the display (except for the General profile). To quickly
change profiles, press and hold [] and select a different profile.Personalise a profile
1.In Standby mode, press [Menu] → Settings → Profiles.
2.Press <Options> → Personalise.3.Change the settings as desired.4.When you are finished personalising the profile, press <Back>.29