

NFC: Activate the NFC feature to read or write NFC tags that contain information.

Android Beam: Turn on the Android Beam feature to send data, such as webpages and contacts, to NFC-enabled devices.

NFC payment: Set the default payment method.

S Beam

Activate the S Beam feature to send data, such as videos, images, and documents, to devices that support NFC and Wi-Fi Direct.

Nearby devices

File sharing: Activate media sharing to allow other DLNA-enabled devices to access media files on your device.

Shared contents: Set the device to share your content with other devices.

Allowed devices list: View the list of devices that can access your device.

Not-allowed devices list: View the list of devices that are blocked from accessing your device.

Download to: Select a memory location for saving media files.

Upload from other devices: Set the device to accept uploads from other devices.

Screen Mirroring

Activate the screen mirroring feature and share your display with others.

Kies via Wi-Fi

Connect the device to Samsung Kies via a Wi-Fi network.