
Tap Create album From suggestions. Select an album, enter a title for the album, and then tap Create album OK.

The device will recommend making story albums when you surpass the preset number of photos in a single day.

Viewing story albums

Select a story album. The cover image appears on the first page. Scroll left or right to view images in the story album.

When viewing an image, tap and use the following functions:

Add content: Add more content to the current page.

Remove content: Delete content on the current page.

Change theme: Change the theme for the page layout.

Slideshow: Start a slideshow with the images in the current album.

Share via: Send the album to others.

Print: Print the album via a USB or Wi-Fi connection. The device is only compatible with some Samsung printers.

Order photo book: Place an order for a printed album.

Export: Export the album as another file format.

Delete album: Delete the album.

Editing images

Tap the image of the page in an album.


To add a caption, tap .





To send the image to others, tap .




To delete the image, tap .





To apply effects to the image, tap




To start a slideshow, tap

Slideshow Start slideshow.

To set the image as an album cover image, tap

Set as cover.

To rotate the image anticlockwise, tap

Rotate left.

To rotate the image clockwise, tap


Rotate right.