Voicemail settings
: Enter the number to access the voicemail service. Obtain this number
from the service provider.
: Select a ringtone to alert you to new voicemails.
: Set the device to vibrate when voicemails are received.
: Set the device to accept IP calls and set up your accounts for IP call services.
Use Internet calling
: Set whether to use IP call services for all calls or only for IP calls.
Blocking mode
Select which notifications will be blocked or set to allow notifications for calls from specified
contacts in blocking mode.
Safety assistance
Set the device to send a message to recipients in an emergency. Press and hold the Volume
up button and the Volume down button for 3 seconds to send the message.
Edit emergency message
: Edit the message that will be sent when you are in an
Send emergency pictures
: Set the device to take photos and send them along with the
message to the recipients.
This feature may not be available depending on the region or service provider.
Message interval
: Set an interval for resending the message.
Emergency contacts
: Select or edit the recipients for the message.
Power saving mode
Activate power-saving mode and change the settings for power-saving mode.
CPU power saving
: Set the device to limit some system resource usage.
Screen power saving
: Set the device to decrease the brightness of the display.
Turn off haptic feedback
: Set the device to turn off the vibration when touching keys.
Learn about Power saving mode
: Discover how to reduce battery consumption.