››View an email message




In the application list, select Google Mail. Select to update the message list. Select an email message.

From the message view, use the following options:

To move to the next or previous message, scroll right or left. To reply to the message, select .

To reply to the message and include all recipients, select . To forward the message to others, select .

To add the message to the favourites list, select .

To archive the message, select .


To delete the message, select .


To add a label to the message, select .


To mark the message as unread, select .

Mark as

To mark the message as unimportant, select

not important.


To hide the message, select Mute. To view hidden

messages, select All mail from the label list.


To add the message to the spam list, select

spam or Report phishing.


To change the email settings, select Settings.

The options available may vary depending on the email account or device’s orientation.
