From the message view, use the following options: ●● To reply to the message, select .
●● To forward the message to others, select . ●● To delete the message, select .
●● To mark the message as unread, select →Mark as unread.
●● To move the message to another folder, select →Move.
●● To save the message to your device, select →Save email. The message will be saved in My Files →sdcard → Saved Email.
●● To sort messages, select →Sort by.
●● To change the view mode of the message list, select → View mode.
●● To print the message via
●● To save the email addresses of the recipients to the
phonebook as a group of contacts, select →Save as group.
●● To delete all messages, select →Delete all.
●● To change the email settings, select →Settings.
●● To save an attachment to your device, select the attachment tab →.
The options available may vary depending on the email account or device’s orientation.