Ɇɨɛɢɥɶɧɵɣ ɬɟɥɟɮɨɧ

Samsung GT-S7070

Ⱦɚɧɧɵɣ ɬɨɜɚɪ ɩɪɟɞɧɚɡɧɚɱɟɧ ɞɥɹ ɪɚɛɨɬɵ ɜ ɤɚɱɟɫɬɜɟ ɚɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɨɣ ɪɚɞɢɨɫɬɚɧɰɢɢ ɧɨɫɢɦɨɣ

ɜɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɟ: GSM-900/1800

Ɋɚɡɦɟɪɵ (ȼ/ɒ/Ƚ):

101 x 54.8 x 13.4 ɦɦ




ɋɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɧɵɣ. Li-Ion, 960 mAh

ɞɨ 800 ɱɚɫɨɜ ɜ ɪɟɠɢɦɟ ɨɠɢɞɚɧɢɹ, ɞɨ 10 ɱɚɫɨɜ ɜ ɪɟɠɢɦɟ ɪɚɡɝɨɜɨɪɚ.

ɋɪɨɤ ɫɥɭɠɛɵ ɬɨɜɚɪɚ: 3 ɝɨɞɚ.

Ɉɫɧɨɜɧɵɟ ɩɨɬɪɟɛɢɬɟɥɶɫɤɢɟ ɯɚɪɚɤɬɟɪɢɫɬɢɤɢ:

¾Ɋɚɛɨɱɢɟ ɞɢɚɩɚɡɨɧɵ (GSM900/1800/1900)

¾ɋɟɧɫɨɪɧɵɣ TFT-ɞɢɫɩɥɟɣ 16 ɦɥɧ. ɰɜɟɬɨɜ (240x320 ɩɢɤɫɟɥɟɣ)

¾3.2 Ɇɩɢɤɫ ɤɚɦɟɪɚ, ɡɚɩɢɫɶ ɜɢɞɟɨɪɨɥɢɤɨɜ

¾Ɏɨɬɨɨɩɪɟɞɟɥɢɬɟɥɶ ɧɨɦɟɪɚ

¾64-ɢɧɫɬɪɭɦɟɧɬɚɥɶɧɚɹ ɩɨɥɢɮɨɧɢɹ ɡɜɨɧɤɚ

¾FM-ɪɚɞɢɨ c RDS


¾Cɥɨɬ ɞɥɹ ɤɚɪɬ ɩɚɦɹɬɢ microSD

¾Ⱦɨɫɬɭɩ ɜ ɢɧɬɟɪɧɟɬ (WAP 2.0)

¾Ɇɭɥɶɬɢɦɟɞɢɣɧɵɟ ɫɨɨɛɳɟɧɢɹ (MMS)


¾Ɉɪɝɚɧɚɣɡɟɪ (ɤɚɥɟɧɞɚɪɶ, ɫɩɢɫɨɤ ɞɟɥ, ɛɭɞɢɥɶɧɢɤ, ɫɟɤɭɧɞɨɦɟɪ, ɦɢɪɨɜɨɟ ɜɪɟɦɹ, ɤɚɥɶɤɭɥɹɬɨɪ)

¾ȼɫɬɪɨɟɧɧɵɣ E-mail ɤɥɢɟɧɬ (POP3/SMTP/IMAP)

¾ȼɢɛɪɨɡɜɨɧɨɤ, Ⱥɜɬɨɞɨɡɜɨɧ

¾Ɍɟɥɟɮɨɧɧɚɹ ɤɧɢɝɚ 1000 ɡɚɩɢɫɟɣ

¾Bluetooth 2.1 / USB 2.0

*ɜɪɟɦɹ ɪɚɛɨɬɵ ɚɤɤɭɦɭɥɹɬɨɪɚ ɡɚɜɢɫɢɬ ɨɬ ɤɨɧɮɢɝɭɪɚɰɢɢ ɫɨɬɨɜɨɣ ɫɟɬɢ, ɪɚɫɫɬɨɹɧɢɹ ɞɨ ɛɚɡɨɜɨɣ ɫɬɚɧɰɢɢ, ɬɢɩɚ SIM-ɤɚɪɬɵ, ɪɟɥɶɟɮɚ ɦɟɫɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɢ ɬ.ɩ.

ȾȿɄɅȺɊȺɐɂə Ɉ ɋɈɈɌȼȿɌɋɌȼɂɂ

Ⱥɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɚɹ ɪɚɞɢɨɫɬɚɧɰɢɹ ɧɨɫɢɦɚɹ ɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɚ GSM 900/1800

GT-S7070 ɩɪɨɢɡɜɨɞɫɬɜɚ ɮɢɪɦɵ Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


"ɉɪɚɜɢɥɚɦ ɩɪɢɦɟɧɟɧɢɹ ɚɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɢɯ ɫɬɚɧɰɢɣ (ɚɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɢɯ ɪɚɞɢɨɫɬɚɧɰɢɣ)

ɫɟɬɟɣ ɩɨɞɜɢɠɧɨɣ ɪɚɞɢɨɬɟɥɟɮɨɧɧɵɣ ɫɜɹɡɢ ɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɚ GSM 900/1800"

Ⱦɚɬɚ ɩɪɢɧɹɬɢɹ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢɢ:


Ⱦɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢɹ ɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɬɟɥɶɧɚ ɞɨ:


Ɉɪɝɚɧ, ɨɫɭɳɟɫɬɜɢɜɲɢɣ

Ɏɟɞɟɪɚɥɶɧɨɟ ɚɝɟɧɬɫɬɜɨ ɫɜɹɡɢ ɊɎ

ɪɟɝɢɫɬɪɚɰɢɸ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢɢ


Ɋɟɝɢɫɬɪɚɰɢɨɧɧɵɣ ɧɨɦɟɪ:

ʋ Ⱦ-ɆɌ-3181 ɨɬ 10.12.2009

ɂɇɎɈɊɆȺɐɂə Ɉ ɋȿɊɌɂɎɂɄȺɐɂɂ ɉɊɈȾɍɄɐɂɂ Ⱥɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɚɹ ɪɚɞɢɨɫɬɚɧɰɢɹ ɧɨɫɢɦɚɹ ɫɬɚɧɞɚɪɬɚ GSM 900/1800

GT-S7070 ɩɪɨɢɡɜɨɞɫɬɜɚ ɮɢɪɦɵ Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

ɫɟɪɬɢɮɢɰɢɪɨɜɚɧɚ ɨɪɝɚɧɨɦ ɩɨ ɫɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɰɢɢ


ɋɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɬ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɹ:


ɊɈɋɋ ɄR.ȺE95.ɇ01191

ɋɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɬ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɹ ɜɵɞɚɧ:



ɋɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɬ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɹ ɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɬɟɥɟɧ ɞɨ:



Ⱥɛɨɧɟɧɬɫɤɢɟ ɪɚɞɢɨɫɬɚɧɰɢɢ ɧɨɫɢɦɵɟ ɬɢɩɚ


ȽɈɋɌ Ɋ 51318.22-99



ȽɈɋɌ Ɋ 51318.24-99

ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɭɸɬ ɬɪɟɛɨɜɚɧɢɹɦ ɧɨɪɦɚɬɢɜɧɵɯ






AE 95


ɂɦɩɨɪɬɟɪ: ɈɈɈ «ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ ɗɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ Ɋɭɫ Ʉɨɦɩɚɧɢ», 125009,




Ɇɨɫɤɜɚ. Ȼ.Ƚɧɟɡɞɧɢɤɨɜɫɤɢɣ ɩɟɪ., ɞ.1, ɫɬɪ.2

Cɪɨɤ ɫɥɭɠɛɵ: 3 ɝɨɞɚ






Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd.


ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ ɗɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ Ʉɨ.Ʌɬɞ.




Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 443-742


Ʉɨɪɟɹ, ɩɪɨɜɢɧɰɢɹ Ʉɺɧɝɢ, ɋɭɜɨɧ, 443-742

416, Maetan-3dong, Yeongtong-gu


416, Ɇɚɟɬɚɧ-3Ⱦɨɧɝ, Ȭɧɝɬɨɧɝ-Ƚɭ

1."ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ ɗɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ Ʉɨ., Ʌɬɞ", Ʉɨɪɟɹ, ɋɟɭɥ, 100-759, ɑɭɧɝ-ɚɧɝ ɂɥɛɨ Ȼɢɥɞɢɧɝ 7 ɋɭɧɯɜɚ Ⱦɨɧɝ, ɑɭɧɝ Ʉɭ

2."ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ ɗɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ Ʉɨ., Ʌɬɞ", 94-1, ɂɦɫɨ-Ⱦɨɧɝ, Ƚɭɦɢ-ɋɢɬɢ, Ʉɭɧɝ-Ȼɚɤ, Ʉɨɪɟɹ, 730-350

3."Ɍɹɧɠɢɧ ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ Ɍɟɥɟɤɨɦ Ɍɟɯɧɨɥɨɞɠɢ Ʉɨ., Ʌɬɞ", ȼɟɣɜɭ Ɋɨɚɞ, Ɇɢɤɪɨɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ ɂɧɞɚɫɬɪɢɚɥ ɉɚɪɤ ɌȿȾȺ, Ʉɫɢɤɜɢɧ Ⱦɢɫɬɪɢɤɬ Ɍɹɧɠɢɧ 300385, Ʉɢɬɚɣ

4."ɋɚɦɫɭɧɝ ɗɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɢɤɫ ɏɭɢɠɨɭ Ʉɨ., Ʌɬɞ.", ɑɟɧɠɢɚɧɝ ɬɚɭɧ, ɏɭɢɠɨɭ, ɩɪɨɜɢɧɰɢɹ Ƚɭɚɧɝɞɨɧɝ, Ʉɢɬɚɣ

Page 84
Image 84
Samsung GT-S7070XDASEB, GT-S7070PWASEB, GT-S7070PWBSER, GT-S7070XDASER, GT-S7070XDBSER Ɇɨɛɢɥɶɧɵɣ ɬɟɥɟɮɨɧ Samsung GT-S7070

GT-S7070XDBSER, GT-S7070PWASEB, GT-S7070PWASER, GT-S7070PWBSER, GT-S7070XDASEB specifications

The Samsung GT-S7070 series, including models GT-S7070PWATRA, GT-S7070XDASEB, GT-S7070PWAXEF, GT-S7070PWACRO, and GT-S7070AVAVIP, represents a unique blend of style and functionality in the mobile phone market. These devices, often referred to as the Samsung Diva series, cater predominantly to the fashion-conscious user seeking a reliable device with a lightweight design and robust performance.

One of the standout characteristics of the GT-S7070 is its sleek and elegant design, featuring a mirrored finish that appeals to a trendy demographic. With compact dimensions, these handsets are highly portable, making them convenient for users who prioritize mobility without compromising style. The soft-touch keys and polished surface provide a comfortable grip, further enhancing user experience.

When it comes to display, the GT-S7070 models feature a vibrant 2.8-inch QVGA LCD screen that delivers clear visuals for both multimedia and navigational purposes. Whether users are browsing photos or messaging friends, the display ensures a pleasant viewing experience, even in bright outdoor conditions.

Under the hood, the GT-S7070 series offers a range of functionalities supported by its user-friendly interface. The device operates on the proprietary Samsung operating system, offering access to essential applications and features. The internal memory can be expanded via microSD, enabling users to store more photos, music, and videos, which is crucial for a device catering to entertainment on the go.

Photography enthusiasts will appreciate the 3.2-megapixel rear camera, allowing users to capture moments effortlessly. The camera features various settings, including smile detection and macro mode, enhancing photographic versatility.

Connectivity is another promising aspect, as the GT-S7070 series supports GPRS, EDGE, and Bluetooth, ensuring users remain connected with ease. The integrated music player supports numerous audio formats, providing an enjoyable listening experience. The inclusion of FM radio also offers entertainment options for users who enjoy listening to their favorite stations.

In summary, the Samsung GT-S7070 series stands out for its stylish design, functional features, and user-friendly interface. With its vibrant display, expandable memory, quality camera, and connectivity options, it caters to users looking for a fashionable yet practical mobile phone. Whether for communication, entertainment, or photography, the GT-S7070 models fulfill diverse user needs, making them a worthy consideration in the crowded mobile phone market.