Nodrošiniet piekļuvi avārijas dienestu pakalpojumiem

Dažās vietās un noteiktos apstākļos ar šo tālruni, iespējams, nevar veikt ārkārtas zvanus. Pirms dodaties uz attālu vietu vai mazattīstītu rajonu, ieplānojiet kādu citu metodi, kā sazināties ar avārijas dienestu personālu.

Informācija par īpašās absorbcijas koeficienta (Specific Absorption Rate — SAR) sertifikātu

Šis tālrunis atbilst Eiropas Savienības standartiem, kas ierobežo cilvēku pakļaušanu radio un telesakaru ierīču izstarotās radio frekvences (RF) enerģijas iedarbībai. Saskaņā ar šiem standartiem nedrīkst pārdot tādas mobilās ierīces, kas pārsniedz maksimālo izstarojuma līmeni (pazīstams kā īpašās absorbcijas koeficients jeb SAR) — 2,0 vatus uz vienu kilogramu ķermeņa audu.

Pārbaudes laikā reģistrētā maksimālā SAR vērtība šim modelim bija 0,522 vati uz vienu kilogramu. Parastas lietošanas apstākļos faktiskā SAR vērtība, iespējams, ir daudz zemāka, jo tālrunis ir konstruēts tā, lai izstarotu tikai tādu daudzumu radiofrekvenču enerģijas, kāds nepieciešams, lai pārraidītu signālu līdz tuvākajai bāzes stacijai. Automātiski raidot pēc iespējas zemāka līmeņa starojumu, tālrunis samazina kopējo radiofrekvenču enerģijas iedarbību.

Paziņojums par atbilstību, kas iekļauts lietotāja rokasgrāmatas beigās, apliecina šī tālruņa atbilstību Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes direktīvai par radioiekārtām un telekomunikāciju galiekārtām (R&TTE). Lai saņemtu papildinformāciju par SAR un atbilstošajiem ES standartiem, apmeklējiet Samsung mobilo tālruņu vietni.

informācija par drošību un lietošanu


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Samsung GT-S8000KKASEB manual Nodrošiniet piekļuvi avārijas dienestu pakalpojumiem

GT-S8000KKASEB specifications

The Samsung GT-S8000KKASEB, often known simply as the Samsung Jet, was introduced in 2009 as a high-end feature phone that aimed to compete with smartphones of its time. At first glance, the sleek and stylish design of the GT-S8000 immediately captures attention, featuring a compact form factor and a vibrant touch screen that made it appealing to consumers looking for both aesthetics and functionality.

One of the standout characteristics of the GT-S8000 is its 3.1-inch AMOLED display, which boasted a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. This made for vivid color reproduction and excellent viewing angles, enhancing the user experience with bright imagery and sharp text. The device was powered by the proprietary TouchWiz interface, allowing for smooth navigation and quick access to applications through customizable widgets.

In terms of performance, the Samsung Jet was equipped with a robust 800 MHz processor, enabling it to handle multiple tasks with ease. The phone ran on Samsung’s proprietary operating system, which, while not as versatile as modern smartphone platforms like Android or iOS, offered a range of applications tailored to the needs of users at the time.

Photography was a significant focus for the GT-S8000, featuring a 5-megapixel rear camera that came equipped with autofocus and a LED flash. This allowed users to capture high-quality images, a notable achievement for a feature phone in that era. The GT-S8000 also supported video recording, catering to those who wanted a versatile multimedia experience.

Connectivity options on the GT-S8000 included Bluetooth 2.1, USB 2.0, and Wi-Fi, allowing users to stay connected in various ways. It supported 3G network connectivity, which was a significant advantage during its release, as it enabled faster data transmission for browsing the web and using applications.

Additionally, the Samsung Jet offered a generous internal memory of 2GB, which could be expanded up to 16GB via a microSD card, providing ample storage for multimedia content such as music, photos, and videos. The device was also equipped with a music player that supported various audio formats, enhancing its appeal to users who enjoy mobile entertainment.

Overall, the Samsung GT-S8000KKASEB was a cutting-edge feature phone for its time, combining stylish design with impressive specifications and functionality. Although it eventually faced stiff competition from the rise of smartphones, the Samsung Jet remains a significant part of mobile history, showcasing innovations that paved the way for future devices.