
View contacts on: Select a memory location for displaying contacts.

Order of display name: Set how to display contact names.

Accounts: Retrieve contacts from your community accounts

My profile: Create your namecard.

Service numbers: Call your service provider to get the information you need.

Import contacts: Import contacts from the SIM or USIM card or the memory card.

Export contacts: Export contacts to the SIM or USIM card or the memory card.


Customise the settings for the calendar:

First day of week: Set which day should begin the week (Sunday or Monday).

Import calendars: Import events from your device’s memory or memory card.

Export my schedules: Export schedules to your device’s memory or memory card.

Export my anniversaries: Export anniversaries from the memory card to your device or vice versa.

Lock time zone: Set to use the current time zone for the calendar.

Select time zone: Set the calendar time zone.
