With use of 19mm wide conversion lens (DW-6), 1/97sec, F5.7, ISO100, EV+3, no trimming
f=24mm, 1/1000sec, F3.6, ISO100, EV±0, no trimming
f=72mm, 1/330sec, F4.4, ISO100, EV±0, no trimming
MTF curve graph (24mm)
00 1.4 2.3 2.8 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.6
1m Aperture F2.5
Distance from frame center(mm)
Blue lines:50/mm Solid lines:Radial values
Red lines:150/mm Dotted lines:Tangential values
Lens Unit

Evolved 2 4-72mm zoom lens for controlling flare

The optic al 3x su per-wide zoom len s, effect ively co ntrols curvatu re aber ration, boasts
superior resoluti on and high co ntrast.
It is th e "eye" of the GX2 00, achiev ing bot h compac tness and depict ion abil ity at a high
level by employin g aspher ic, specia l low-dis persion glass and high r efracti ve index
low-dispersi on lens elements.
Through fine tu ning, it contro ls flare that can occu r when shooting backlit subject s
compared to GX100.
Superior optical perfor mance is exhibit ed rega rdless of lighti ng condi tions an d focal length.
* DW-6 and TC-1 are sold separately.
* While a wide conversion lens or telephoto conversion lens is attached, the internal flash can‘t be used because vignetting may occur.
* Vignetting may occur on part of the image if the zoom position is other than at telephoto end when while the telephoto conversion
lens is attached.

Wide/telephoto conversion lens that enables a greater variety of expressions

Attach the high quality conversion lens (DW-6) to achieve 19mm ultra wide-angle for
sharpness and intensity of wide-angle photography. This lets you enjoy more impressive
expressions including landscapes employing a wide lens angle and portraits with
heightened perspective. Furthermore, a 135mm focal length is covered at the telephoto
end with the telephoto lens (TC-1) attached. Just the right amount of blur and th e
compression effect that reduces the sense of distance between subject and background
enables eye-catching expression.
To f ully exp erience the beau ty of photogra phic ex pression.

A super wide-angl e high perform ance 24-7 2 mm/f2.5 (wide) – f4.4(te lephoto) zoom le ns with superb optical perform ance com paring

favorabl y to SLR interc hangeabl e lenses.

Attach the uni que til ting ele ctronic viewfin der, lin ked to the fo cal dista nce to zoom and frame your s ubject w ith th e feel of an SL R or

medium f ormat camera and add GX200 h ost of versatil e accessor ies to e nter a wider realm o f creat ive pho tography.

For the photogr apher who know s the d epth an d joy o f photog raphic expressio n, the G X200 tr anscends the lim itations of a c ompact camera.