Submenu items
12Hr : Displays the time in 12 hour units.
24Hr : Displays the time in 24 hour units.
1. Touch the Menu ( ) Setting ( ) tab Time Type.
2. Touch the desired display option.
3. To exit the menu, touch the Exit ( ) or Return ( ) tab.
Time Type
You can set the time display type.
File No.
File names (numbers) are assigned to recorded images according to the selected numbering option.
Submenu items
Series : Assigns file numbers in a continuous sequence even after you replace or format
the memory card or delete all files. Each file is given a unique file number that allows
convenient image management on a PC.
Reset : Resets the file numbering sequence to 0001 after you format the memory card,
delete all files, or insert a new memory card.
1. Touch the Menu ( ) Setting ( ) tab File No.
2. Touch a desired submenu item.
3. To exit the menu, touch the Exit ( ) or Return ( ) tab.
When you set “File No.” to “Series.” the camcorder assigns each file a different number to avoid
duplicating file names. This is useful when you want to manage your files on a computer.
system setting
2 / 7
Date/Time Set
Time Type
Date Type
Date/Time Display
1 / 7
Storage Info
File No.
Time Zone