Samsung LC23A550US/EN, LC27A550US/EN manual Dinamiskā IP adrese, Dinamiskās IP adreses lietotājiem

Models: LC27A550US/EN LC23A550US/EN

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2.5.1 Dinamiskā IP adrese

Dinamiskās IP adreses režīmā datora tīkla iestatījumi tiek konfigurēti automātiski, izmantojot datus, kas nosūtīti no servera, kas piešķir IP adresi. Tas ir iespējams pateicoties „DHCP (Dinamiskais saimniekdatora konfigurācijas protokols)” pakalpojumam. Šis pakalpojums ietver trīs soļus: sāknējot datoru, IP adreses piešķiršanas pieprasījums tiek nosūtīts uz DHCP serveri, pieprasījumu saņēmušais DHCP serveris pārsūta tīkla informāciju, piemēram, IP adresi, uz datoru, un pārsūtītā tīkla informācija tiek automātiski reģistrēta datora tīkla ieskatījumos. DHCP pakalpojums ir ērts un īpaši noderīgs vidēs, kurās tiek izmantoti vairāki datori. Teorētiski IP adrese mainās katru reizi, kā tiek sāknēts dators (vai tiek nosūtīts IP adreses piešķiršanas pieprasījums), lai gan vairumā gadījumu atkārtoti tiek piešķirtas jau esošā IP adrese. Interneta maršrutētājam ir divas lomas: tas tiek izmantots, lai izveidotu privātu IP adresi (NAT pakalpojums) un lai vienlaicīgi automātiski piešķirtu IP adresi katram datoram (DHCP pakalpojums).

Lietojot HUB Monitor monitora vai piezīmjdatora lokālo tīklu, pārliecinieties, vai esat pievienojis lokālā

tīkla kabeli tikai vienai no ierīcēm. Pretējā gadījumā var notikt sistēmas atteice.

Dinamiskās IP adreses lietotājiem

1Lai lietotu dinamisku IP adresi, pievienojiet HUB Monitor monitoram lokālo tīklu.

2Pēc tam dodieties uz tīkla iestatījumu izvēlni un aktivizējiet HUB Monitor monitora tīkla ierīci (atlasiet „Izmantot”).

Dodieties uz Vadības panelis Tīkls un internets Tīkla un koplietošanas

centrs Mainīt adaptera iestatījumus. Ar peles labo pogu noklikšķiniet uz HUB Monitor monitora tīkla ierīces (atzīmēta kā LAN9512/LAN9514 USB 2.0–Ethernet 10/100 adapteris #7) un atlasiet „Izmantot”.

3Izmantojot tīkla rekvizītu izvēlni, pārbaudiet, vai HUB Monitor monitora tīkla ierīces IP adreses režīms ir iestatīts uz „Automātisks”.

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Samsung LC23A550US/EN, LC27A550US/EN manual Dinamiskā IP adrese, Dinamiskās IP adreses lietotājiem

LC27A550US/EN, LC23A550US/EN specifications

The Samsung LC27A550USSCI and LC23A550US series are part of Samsung's innovative lineup of monitors designed to deliver exceptional performance and visual quality. These models cater to both casual users and professionals, boasting a range of features and technologies that enhance productivity and entertainment experiences.

One of the standout features of the LC27A550USSCI and LC23A550US models is their stunning display quality. With a high-resolution panel, these monitors offer crisp images and vibrant colors, making them ideal for tasks such as graphic design, video editing, and gaming. The inclusion of Samsung's advanced HDR10 technology further enhances the viewing experience by providing greater contrast and dynamic range, allowing users to see more details in both the shadows and highlights.

Another key characteristic of these monitors is their ergonomic design. They are equipped with adjustable stands that allow users to customize the height, tilt, and swivel of the monitor, promoting a comfortable viewing angle and reducing strain during long hours of use. The sleek, modern aesthetic of the monitors also makes them a stylish addition to any workspace or home setup.

Samsung’s LC27A550USSCI and LC23A550US series monitors incorporate adaptive sync technologies, including FreeSync, which helps to eliminate tearing and stuttering during gameplay, providing a smoother gaming experience. This feature is particularly appealing to gamers who demand high performance from their display technology.

Connectivity options are robust on these models, allowing users to easily connect to various devices. With multiple HDMI and DisplayPort inputs, along with USB hub functionalities, users can seamlessly switch between different sources without hassle. This versatility ensures that the monitors can cater to a range of setups, from personal desktops to multi-monitor configurations for enhanced productivity.

Samsung has also placed a strong emphasis on energy efficiency in these monitors. They are designed to consume less power, helping users reduce their carbon footprint while also saving on electricity bills. This not only addresses environmental concerns but also aligns with the growing trend towards sustainable technology.

In summary, the Samsung LC27A550USSCI, LC23A550US/EN, LC27A550US/CI, LC23A550US/KZ, and LC23A550US/CI offer a perfect blend of quality, performance, and convenience. With their stunning display, ergonomic design, adaptive sync technologies, versatile connectivity options, and energy-efficient characteristics, these monitors are well-suited for a variety of users, whether for work or play.