￿ Option Preference menu.

P￿rskats Uzst￿d￿šana Saskarne Atinstal￿šana




￿When Rotation is functioning, part of MagicTune Program may not operate normally.

￿Auto Rotation : Auto Rotation will automatically pivots the monitor to 0, 90, 180degrees when you pivots the monitor.

To execute Auto Rotation, it should be done as below.

￿Please install both of Rotation program and MagicTune 3.6, 3.7 in your PC.

￿Launch Magic tune 3.6, 3.7

click the small box as "V" in enable task tray


Izv￿lne vai uzdevumu panelis

Izv￿lnes, kas uznirst, noklikš￿inot labo



Rotate : Displeju pagriež ap savu asi par 90 gr￿diem

Rotate to 0 : Displeju no pašreiz￿j￿ st￿vok￿a pagriež uz 0 gr￿diem.