



Reverts the product settings to factory defaults.


Customized Key

￿No ￿ Yes

[MENU → , , → MENU]

You can specify a function which will be activated when the Customized Key() is pressed.

[MENU → , , , → MENU]

The monitors will turn off automatically at the specified time.

Off Timer

Off ￿ On


[MENU → , , , , → MENU]

You can change the size of the screen displayed on your monitor.

￿Auto - The screen is displayed in accordance with the screen aspect ratio of the input signals.

￿Wide - A full screen is displayed regardless of the screen aspect ratio of the input signals.

Image Size

￿Signals not available in the standard mode table are not supported.

￿If the wide screen which is the optimal resolution for the monitor is set on your PC, this function is not performed.

[MENU → , , , → MENU]
