Adjusting the Monitor

Demo - The screen before applying MagicColor appears on the right and the screen after applying MagicColor appears on the left.

Full - Displays not only vivid natural color but also more realistic natural skin color with clearness.

Intelligent - Displays vivid natural color with clearness.

MENU → , , → MENU

Color Tone

The tone of the color can be changed and one of four modes can be selected.

Cool - Makes whites bluish.

Normal - Keeps whites white.

Warm - Makes whites reddish.

Custom - Select this mode when you want to adjust the image according to your preferences. ( Not available in MagicColor mode of Full and Intelligent. )

MENU → , , , → MENU

Color Control

Adjusts individual Red, Green, Blue color balance.

( Not available in MagicColor mode of Full and Intelligent. )

MENU → , , , , → MENU