Sigurnosne upute

Neprekidno gledanje u zaslon s premale udaljenosti može oštetiti vid.

Kako biste umanjili umor očiju, nakon svakoga sata korištenja moni- tora uzmite pauzu od barem 5 minuta.

Uređaj nemojte montirati na nestabilne ili neravne površine ili na mjesta koja su podložna vibracijama.

Ispuštanje uređaja može uzrokovati ozljedu ili oštećenje uređaja. Korištenje uređaja na mjestima podložnim vibracijama može skratiti vijek trajanja uređaja ili uzrokovati njegovo zapaljenje.

Prilikom pomicanja monitora isključite i iskopčajte kabel za napajanje. Prije pomicanja monitora provjerite jesu li svi kabeli isključeni, što se odnosi i na kabel antene te kabele priključene na druge uređaje.

U suprotnom se kabeli mogu oštetiti te može doći do požara ili struj- nog udara.

Proizvod postavite izvan dosega djece jer bi ga djeca mogla oštetiti.

Pad uređaja može oštetiti uređaj ili prouzročiti ozljedu pa čak i smrt.

Kada proizvod ne koristite dulje vrijeme, isključite ga iz napajanja.

U protivnom može doći do otpuštanja topline zbog nakupljene pra- šine ili oštećene izolacije, što može prouzročiti električni udar ili požar.

Na proizvod nemojte stavljati omiljene dječje predmete (ili bilo što njima zanimljivo).

Djeca se mogu pokušati popeti kako bi dohvatila taj predmet. Proiz- vod bi mogao pasti i izazvati ozljede ili čak smrt.

Prilikom podizanja ili pomicanja monitora nemojte ga podizati okre- nutog naopačke držeći samo podnožje.

Na taj način monitor može pasti i oštetiti se ili izazvati ozlijede.

Dobri položaji tijela prilikom korištenja monitora

Pokušajte održavati dobar položaj tijela prilikom kor- ištenja monitora.

Leđa držite uspravno.

Neka vam oči budu na udaljenosti od oko 45 ~ 50 cm od zaslona monitora. Gledajte na zaslon odozgo i neka monitor bude ravno ispred vas.

Nagnite monitor prema gore za 10 ~20 stupnjeva. Visinu monitora prilagodite tako da gornja strana monitora bude neznatno ispod razine vaših očiju.


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The Samsung LS22MYKEBCA/EN, LS22MYKESQ/EDC, LS22MYKEBQ/EDC, LS20MYKESQ/EDC, and LS22MYKESCA/EN are a series of cutting-edge monitors designed to enhance both productivity and entertainment experiences. These displays cater to a range of users, from professionals needing precise color accuracy to gamers seeking immersive visuals.

One of the standout features across this series is the FHD resolution, offering 1920 x 1080 pixels. This level of detail ensures sharp images and vibrant colors, facilitating an engaging viewing experience whether for work or play. The monitors utilize IPS technology, which provides wider viewing angles and better color consistency, allowing users to enjoy content from various positions without sacrificing quality.

Another significant characteristic is the adaptive sync technology that reduces screen tearing, enabling smoother gameplay experiences for avid gamers. When combined with a fast response time, these monitors minimize lag, providing a fluid visual experience that enhances overall gaming satisfaction.

Ergonomics are also a priority in these models. They come equipped with adjustable stands that allow users to alter the height, tilt, and rotation of the monitor, promoting comfortable viewing angles and reducing strain during extended use. This flexibility is especially beneficial in professional environments where prolonged usage is common.

Additionally, these monitors feature a sleek, modern design that complements any workspace. Their ultra-slim bezels maximize screen real estate and create a visually appealing multi-monitor setup. The use of eco-friendly materials in construction aligns with Samsung’s commitment to sustainability, making these monitors an attractive choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

Connectivity options are abundant, with multiple ports including HDMI and DisplayPort, allowing easy connections to various devices such as laptops, desktops, and gaming consoles. Furthermore, integrated features such as eye care technology help to reduce eye strain, making these monitors not only functional but also health-conscious.

In conclusion, the Samsung LS22MYKEBCA/EN, LS22MYKESQ/EDC, LS22MYKEBQ/EDC, LS20MYKESQ/EDC, and LS22MYKESCA/EN exhibit a harmonious blend of performance, versatility, and ergonomic design, equipped with advanced display technologies that cater to the diverse needs of today’s users. Whether for gaming, graphic design, or general use, these monitors provide an excellent balance of style, functionality, and user comfort.