Samsung LS24HUBCBQ/EDC manual


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Proizvod čuvajte podalje od samozapaljivih kemijskih sprejeva ili zapaljivih tvari.

To može uzrokovati eksploziju ili požar.

Držite monitor podalje od magnetnih predmeta.

Oni mogu izazvati gubitak boje ili iskrivljenje slike.

U otvore za ventilaciju, AV ulaz i ulaz za slušalice nemojte stavljati metalne predmete poput štapića, žice ili svrdala ili zapaljive predmete poput papira ili šibica.

To može prouzročiti požar ili električni udar.

Ako u ureðaj uðu voda ili druge tvari, iskljuèite ureðaj, iskopèajte ga iz napajanja i kontaktirajte servisni centar.

Ako duže vrijeme gledate određeni ekran slika može postati nejasna.

Promijenite na mod štednje energije ili postavite pokrenutu sliku (screensaver) kad ste odsutni od računala dulje vrijeme.

Prilagodite rezoluciju i frekvenciju razinama koje odgovaraju modelu.

Neodgovarajuća rezolucija može uzrokovati neželjenu kvalitetu slike.

Širina 24 inča (61 cm) - 1920 X 1200

Neprekidno gledanje u zaslon s premalene udaljenosti može oštetiti vid.

Svakih sat vremena rada na računalu napravite pauzu od pet minuta kako biste odmorili oči.

Uređaj nemojte montirati na nestabilne ili neravne površine ili na mjesta koja su podložna vibracijama.

Nemojte ispustiti uređaj jer se tako možete ozlijediti ili oštetiti uređaj. Mjesta koja su podložna vibracijama mogu skratiti vijek trajanja uređaja ili uzrokovati njegovo zapaljenje.

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Samsung LS24HUBCBQ/EDC manual

LS24HUBCBQ/EDC specifications

The Samsung LS24HUBCBQ/EDC and LS24HUBCBS/EDC are two exceptional monitors designed to enhance your viewing experience, whether for work, play, or multimedia consumption. Their modern design and high-performance specifications make them suitable for a variety of environments, from home offices to gaming setups.

One of the standout features of these monitors is their 24-inch display size. This size strikes a balance between providing ample screen real estate for multitasking while remaining compact enough for smaller desks. The monitors boast a Full HD resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, delivering sharp and detailed images. Whether you are watching movies, editing photos, or browsing the web, the clarity and vibrant colors will enhance your visual experience.

The LS24HUBCBQ/EDC and LS24HUBCBS/EDC utilize Samsung's advanced VA (Vertical Alignment) panel technology. This allows for deeper blacks and superior contrast ratios, ensuring that dark scenes are rendered with depth and brilliance. Coupled with a wide viewing angle, the monitors allow multiple viewers to enjoy consistent image quality without distortion from side angles.

Furthermore, the monitors come equipped with Samsung's Eye Saver Mode, which reduces blue light emissions and flicker to help alleviate digital eye strain during extended use. In addition, the Flicker-Free technology enhances viewing comfort, making these monitors ideal for long hours spent in front of a screen.

The design of these models is sleek and modern, featuring slim bezels that maximize the screen area and minimize distractions. The ergonomic stand provides height adjustment, tilt, and swivel options, allowing users to customize their viewing position for maximum comfort.

Connectivity options include HDMI and DisplayPort inputs, enabling seamless connection with a variety of devices such as laptops, PCs, and gaming consoles. The inclusion of a built-in USB hub adds further convenience, allowing users to connect peripherals easily.

Lastly, with energy-efficient features, the monitors not only contribute to a greener environment but also keep your electricity bills in check. In summary, the Samsung LS24HUBCBQ/EDC and LS24HUBCBS/EDC are versatile monitors that combine stunning visual quality, ergonomic design, and advanced technologies, making them ideal choices for various users seeking an immersive viewing experience.