Reprinting the Last PageThe Samsung ML-6040 printer’s memory always keep the last
page of the last job. If you canceled a print job due to a paper
jam or other problems and you want to know which page was
printed last, reprint the last page.
Press Cancel/Reprint briefly in the ready mode.
TToo ddiissaabbllee tthhiiss ffeeaattuurree::
1. From the SSttaarrttmenu, select SSeettttiinnggssand then
2. Click the right mouse button on the SSaammssuunngg MMLL--
66004400 SSeerriieessprinter icon and select PPrrooppeerrttiieessto
open the properties window.
3. From the GGrraapphhiicctab, Select OOfffffrom the RReepprriinntt
drop-down list.
With this option Off, you cannot reprint the last page
from the control panel.
When you want to reprint the last page on the
control panel, you must select OOnnfrom the list.
4. Click OOKK.
Note: If you want to prevent somebody from reprinting your document, you can turn
the Reprinting feature off in the printer’s properties dialog box. When you turn the
feature off in the printer’s properties, the CCaanncceell//RReepprriinnttbutton on the control panel
does not perform the reprinting operation.