¤¤ Tag● Use , to select Tag On or Off.
● On: Display the Tag information if the music file has Tag
information. Display the file name if the music file has no
Tag information.
● Off: Display the name of music file.
¤¤ Contrast● Use , to set the contrast from 0 to 10 to adjust the
brightness of the screen.
¤¤ Language● Use , to select the language for displaying Tag information and menu.
● Chinese(S) → Chinese(T) → English → French → German →
Italian → Japanese → Korean → Rusian → Spanish
¤¤ Backlight[ Jog ]
● Use , to set the Light-On time from
Off to 60 seconds.
● When set to On, the Light stays on continuously.
[ LCD ]
● Use , to set the LCD Light-Off time from
Off to 60 seconds
● When set to On, the Light stays on continuously.
¤¤ Information● Use , to select how to display playback screen.
● Folder: Folder name appears in the playback screen.
● Next song: Next song appears in the playback screen.