
1.This software only supports the Windows operating systems listed in the User Manual.

2.This software only supports the Samsung SSDs listed in the User Manual. OEM storage devices provided through a computer manufacturer or supplied through another channel are not supported.

3.This software will run only if the operating system is installed on the Source Disk. It will not function on disks that lack an operating system installation.

4.If the amount of data stored on the Source Disk exceeds the capacity of the Target Disk, cloning will not proceed. The Source Disk (e.g. “C:” drive) must consist of at least 20% free space. If more than 80% of the Source Disk is filled with data, the cloning process cannot proceed normally. Secondary partitions require at least 5 GB of free space.

5.On systems with two (2) drives or more (e.g. “C:”, “D:”, and “E:” drives) with the operating system installed on the “C:” drive, only the first two drives will be cloned. The “System” partition that is created during Windows installation is automatically replicated.

6.OEM recovery partitions, generated at the factory by computer manufacturers, cannot be replicated.

7.A difference of a few GB of data capacity between the Source and Target Disks is normal after cloning. The software does not copy the files Windows automatically generates to manage virtual memory (page files and hibernation files).

8.This software cannot clone encrypted disks. In order to clone an encrypted disk, you must first remove the password from the disk.

9.If the mainboard chipset drivers are not up to date when cloning, this software may not function properly.

10.If there are multiple operating systems installed on the PC (e.g. Windows 7 is installed on the C drive and Windows 8 is installed on the D drive), the cloned disk may not function properly.

2013. 3 (Rev 2.0.)