Qurilmani qanday ishlatish kerak

Mos pishirish holatiga qozon yoki tovani qo’ying.

Mos pishirish holatiga boshqaruv dastasini quyi to’liq bosing va uni chapga, uchqun berish holatiga burang, va uni ko’pi bilan bir necha soniya yondirgich yonguncha ushlab turing.

Yondirgandan so’ng, taxminan 5-8 soniya ko’proq boshqaruv dastasini ushlab turing, chunki gaz kanalini ochuvchi issiqlik sensorig dastlab ilishi kerak. Boshqaruv dastasini istagan holatingizga o’rnating.

Yondirgich yonmasa, bu jarayonni takrorlang.

Alanga hajmi boshqaruv dastasini burashni sekinlashtirib eng ko’p va eng oz o’rtasida davomiy o’rnatish mumkin.

Agar uchqun bergich iflos bo’lsa, bu yondirgichni yonishini qiyinlashtiradi, shuning uchun ularni imkon qadar toza saqalashingiz tavsiya qilinadi. Buni kichik cho’tka bilan amalga oshiring va yondirish qurilmasi tegilib ketmaganligi va urilmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.

Alangani nazorat qiluvchi moslama 15 soniyadan ko’p ishlatilmasligi kerak. Agarda 15 soniyadan keyin yondirgich yonmasa, moslamani ishlatishni to’xtating va bo’lma eshigini oching va/yoki kamida bir daqiqa yondirgichni qayta yoqish uchun harakat qilishdan oldin kutib turing.



Boshqaruv dastasini soat strelkasi bo’ylab burang, ‘O’ (o’chiq) sozloviga qo’ying.

So’ndirgandan keyin, qurilma haliyam issiq. O’zingizni kuydirib olishdan saqlaning.

ishlatish va texnik xizmat ko’rsatish uchun yo’riqlar

Ushbu qurilma agar alanga chiqib ketsa, misol uchun agarda taom qattiq qaynab ketsa, yoki to’satdan yelvizak bo’lsa gaz ta’minotini yondirgichdan uzuvchi alangani nazorat qilish moslamasi bilan jihozlangan.

Yondirgich olovi tasodifan o’chib qolguday bo’lsa, yondiruvchini boshqar- gichni o’chiring va kamida bir daqiqaga yondirgichni qayta yoqishga urinmang.

Ishlatish va texnik xizmat ko’rsatish yo’riqlari_ 14

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Samsung NA64H3010CK/WT, NA64H3010BS/WT, NA64H3030AS/WT, NA64H3110BS/WT, NA64H3010BK/WT, NA64H3000AK/WT, NA64H3010AS/WT ’chirish

NA64H3010CK/WT, NA64H3000AK/WT, NA64H3010BK/WT, NA64H3010BS/WT, NA64H3010AS/WT specifications

The Samsung NA64 range of gas cookers, including models NA64H3110AS/WT, NA64H3010AK/WT, NA64H3030BS/WT, NA64H3110BS/WT, and NA64H3030AS/WT, combines innovative technology with a sleek design, suitable for any modern kitchen. Each model in this series is specifically engineered to provide efficient cooking while ensuring ease of use, making them ideal choices for home chefs of all levels.

One of the standout features of these cookers is the precision of the dual power burner. This versatile burner offers different heat settings to accommodate various cooking techniques, from simmering sauces to rapidly boiling water. With a powerful output, users can expect quick and even heating, ensuring perfectly cooked meals every time.

The NA64 cookers boast an easy-to-clean design, with a stainless steel finish that resists stains and fingerprints. The detachable grates make cleaning a hassle-free process, while the surface is designed to handle spills and splatters without compromising performance. The sleek design doesn’t just serve aesthetics; it also enhances durability and longevity.

In terms of safety, these models feature innovative technologies such as a flame failure device, which automatically cuts off the gas supply if the flame goes out. This is crucial for preventing gas leaks and ensuring peace of mind while cooking. Additionally, the cookers have well-placed control knobs that are designed for easy accessibility, even while wearing oven mitts.

Energy efficiency is another significant advantage in the NA64 series. The cookers are designed to provide maximum heat with minimum energy consumption, making them eco-friendly options that can help reduce utility bills. The even heat distribution allows for quicker cooking times, contributing further to energy efficiency.

Versatility is another hallmark of the NA64 series. With multiple burners of varying sizes, these cookers can accommodate various pot and pan sizes simultaneously. Whether preparing a large family meal or a tiny dish, there's always room for everything on the cooktop.

In conclusion, the Samsung NA64H3110AS/WT, NA64H3010AK/WT, NA64H3030BS/WT, NA64H3110BS/WT, and NA64H3030AS/WT gas cookers are engineered to deliver an exceptional cooking experience. Their combination of advanced technology, safety features, efficiency, and a stylish design makes them an excellent choice for any kitchen, promising both quality and convenience for everyday cooking tasks.