Samsung NP-R530-JT01PL, NP-R590-JS0YDE 蓝牙 可选, 115, 使用说明, 问题 如何查看关于蓝牙的帮助信息。, 后在帮助部分搜索与蓝牙有关的项目。

Models: NP-RV520-S01AT NP-R540-JS01HU NP-RF510-S02PL NP-SF310-S03IT NP-R780-JS02CH NP-RF711-S02PL NP-R522-FS06PL NP-R530-JT01PL NP-R540-JT02HU NP-R580-JT01CH NP-RC710-S03SE NP-RF710-S04SE NP-SF310-S03SE NP-RV511-S04SE NP-SF310-S01SE NP-R530-JA07SE NP-RV520-S02IT NP-RC530-S04CH NP-RC710-S02PL NP-RF711-S05PL NP-R780-JS06PL NP-R560-AT01PL NP-X430-LAZ1SE NP-R540-JS03PL NP-RV511-S01SE NP-RV515-S03SE NP-RC520-S01SE NP-R580-JS01SE NP-R580-JS02CZ NP-RF711-S07PL NP-RV515-S03DE NP-R522-JS01DE NP-RF510-S07DE NP-R780-JT02DE NP-RC530-S05IT NP-R540-JS06IT NP-R780-JS05DE NP-R530-JA04PL NP-R580-JS1BSE NP-R522-FS03SE NP-RV511-S04PL NP-RC520-S05PL NP-R580-JS0APL NP-RC530-S03AT NP-RV511-A02PL NP-R580-JS03HU NP-R540-JT01HU NP-R580-JS02HU NP-RC510-S04HU NP-R780-JS02PL NP-RF511-S04HU NP-RF711-S01CH NP-RF711-S01GR NP-RF711-S02GR NP-RC530-S06IT NP-RV511-S01HU NP-R580-JS09PL NP-RC520-S03PL NP-R540-JT06SE NP-RC720-S02DE NP-R580-JT0MDE NP-R730-JT06DE NP-R530-JA01DE NP-RF711-S0ADE NP-R540-JS0ADE NP-RF511-S07SE NP-R780-JS0BPL NP-RC530-S03CH NP-R530-JA03HU NP-R540-JT03PL NP-R530-JT01HU NP-RV511-S03AT NP-R580-JS0CPL NP-RV511-A01HU NP-RF510-S01PL NP-R580-JT01HU NP-RF510-S06PL NP-RV511-S01GR NP-RF710-S02SE NP-RC530-S07SE NP-R540-JT03SE NP-RC530-S01HU NP-RV520-S03DE NP-RC530-S0DDE NP-R540-JT09DE NP-R780-JS05IT NP-SF310-S01RO NP-RC710-S03PL NP-R780-JS08PL NP-RV515-S01SE NP-RV520-A02SE NP-RC510-S01RO NP-R780-JS01CZ NP-RV520-S06SE NP-RC720-S03PL NP-RF510-S01HU NP-RF511-S05HU NP-RC510-S01PL NP-R540-JS04PL NP-R530-JA04HU NP-R730-JT04DE NP-RF711-S0CDE NP-RV515-S04DE NP-R590-JS0YDE NP-RF511-S02GR NP-R540-JT05GR NP-RC530-S0CSE NP-RF511-S06SE NP-RV520-S04SE NP-R530-JA04CZ NP-R530-JA09IT NP-RV520-S06DE NP-R522-ET01DE NP-RC530-S0ADE NP-SF310-S01CH NP-RV511-S05PL NP-R590-JS01HU NP-R580-JS08SE NP-RV520-S01SE NP-RC530-S06SE NP-RF511-S03HU NP-RV511-S01PL NP-R580-JS0BPL NP-R540-JT02GR NP-RF711-S04GR NP-RV511-A01SE NP-R540-JS02CZ NP-RC530-S0CDE NP-RF510-S05DE NP-RV515-S02DE NP-R540-JT08DE NP-RV520-S02SE NP-R730-JT03SE NP-R780-JS0APL NP-RF711-S03CH NP-R530-JA06PL NP-R580-JS01HU NP-R540-JT01GR NP-RF510-S03GR NP-R580-JS03SE NP-R730-JT06SE NP-R530-JA03CZ NP-RF511-S08PL NP-R590-JS01PL NP-RF711-S01PL NP-R530-JA08PL NP-RV520-HZ1SE NP-RV515-S02SE NP-Q210-AS02SE NP-R530-JT01SE NP-R530-JA03SE NP-R540-JS06SE NP-R780-JS0MDE NP-RV515-S01DE NP-R522-FS01IT NP-R530-JA09DE NP-RC710-S01PL NP-RV510-S01PL NP-RC530-S02PL NP-R540-JT01PL NP-RV510-S02PL NP-RV511-A02HU NP-R540-JT03HU NP-RF511-S03CH NP-RF711-S01SE NP-R540-JT02SE NP-RV515-S04SE NP-R540-JT04SE NP-RC530-S07IT NP-R540-JT0BDE

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蓝牙 (可选)

问题 如何查看关于蓝牙的帮助信息。


Windows + F1 组合键启动 Windows 帮助,然



问题 找不到或无法连接耳机。

答案1 如果耳机被连接到其它设备且正在使用中,则您 将无法找到它。在此情况下,即使您找到耳机也 无法连接它。断开耳机与该设备的连接,然后重 试。

答案2 对于某些耳机型号,如果耳机连接到电源适配 器,则不能通过蓝牙无线连接与耳机连接。 断开耳机与该电源适配器的连接,然后重试。

答案3 蓝牙耳机通常提供/配对模式。要 将耳机连接到另一个蓝牙设备(PC 或手机), 耳机必须在配对模式下。将耳机切换到配 对模式,然后重试。一般而言,配对模式 下的蓝牙耳机会在预先确定的时间后自动切换 到/模式。


蓝牙设备在 3 米(10英尺)内连接时通常会发挥稳定的 性能。

要使蓝牙顺利工作,请在没有墙壁或障碍物以及低无线 干扰的开放环境中使用计算机。

对于电话连接、数据同步、电子名片交换、收发传真、 声音相关功能和串行端口功能,每次仅可连接到一台蓝 牙设备。

建议一次只使用一个蓝牙设备,因为同时连接多个蓝牙 或其它无线设备,可能会降低蓝牙连接速度,或者使之 不稳定。

CPU 负荷达到满负荷或者系统资源不足时,通过蓝牙 进行数据通信效果会很差。

可以禁用蓝牙 PDA、移动电话、鼠标或键盘的蓝牙功

能。要在与支持蓝牙的 Samsung 计算机的连接中使用这 些功能,必须检查是否已对所要连接的设备启用蓝牙功 能。

有关对设备启用蓝牙功能的过程,请参阅相关设备手 册。

蓝牙设备提供的服务可能因其功能而异。有关蓝牙设备 提供的服务,请参阅蓝牙设备手册。


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Samsung NP-R530-JT01PL, NP-R590-JS0YDE, NP-R540-JT08DE manual 蓝牙 可选, 115, 使用说明, 问题 如何查看关于蓝牙的帮助信息。, 后在帮助部分搜索与蓝牙有关的项目。

NP-RV520-S01AT, NP-R540-JS01HU, NP-RF510-S02PL, NP-SF310-S03IT, NP-R780-JS02CH specifications

The Samsung NP-R540-JT0BDE, NP-RC530-S07IT, NP-R540-JT04SE, NP-RV515-S04SE, and NP-R540-JT02SE are part of Samsung's lineup of laptops that cater to a range of user needs, from casual computing to more intensive tasks. Each model offers distinct features, but they share some common technologies that make them reliable choices for everyday use.

The Samsung NP-R540-JT0BDE is a versatile laptop that balances performance and portability. It features a 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels, providing clear and vibrant visuals for movies, games, and work. Powered by an Intel Core i3 processor, it ensures smooth multitasking and quick response times. The laptop comes with 4GB of RAM, which can be upgraded for better performance. It is equipped with a 500GB hard drive to store a substantial collection of files, documents, and media.

The NP-RC530-S07IT model is designed for multimedia enthusiasts. With a stylish design and a high-definition display, it provides an immersive viewing experience. This model is powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, delivering enhanced processing power for demanding applications and multitasking scenarios. Users can enjoy improved graphics performance as it includes dedicated NVIDIA graphics.

The NP-R540-JT04SE shares similar aesthetics with the R540 series, also featuring a 15.6-inch display. It focuses on efficient performance with an Intel Core processor and offers compatibility with various connectivity options such as USB 3.0 for faster data transfer. The sound quality is enhanced thanks to Samsung's Sound Alive technology, providing a richer audio experience.

Next in line, the NP-RV515-S04SE is perfect for students and professionals looking for an affordable yet capable laptop. The 15.6-inch LED display is great for working long hours without straining the eyes. It is lightweight and portable, making it easy for users on the go. With an Intel Pentium processor and up to 4GB of RAM, this model is tailored for basic computing needs like browsing, document editing, and streaming.

Finally, the NP-R540-JT02SE showcases similar specifications to the other R540 models but features a sleek, modern design that appeals to a broad user base. This model is equipped with enhanced cooling technology, ensuring that performance remains stable during extended use.

Overall, these Samsung models reflect a commitment to quality and usability, catering to different customer needs while incorporating technologies that enhance performance and user experience. Whether for work, study, or entertainment, these laptops provide reliable solutions for everyday computing tasks.