Rješavanje problema

Nemojte upotrebljavati benzin, razrjeđivač ni druge zapaljive tvari, kao ni mokru krpu.

Preporučujemo upotrebu sredstva za čišćenje SAM- SUNG kako biste spriječili oštećenje zaslona.

2)Održavanje ravnog zaslona.

Nježno ga obrišite ga mekom krpom (pamučnom).

Nikad nemojte upotrebljavati aceton, benzin ili razrjeđivač.

(To može prouzročiti pukotine ili deformacije na povr- šini zaslona).

Korisnik mora sam podmiriti sve troškove za popra- vak štete koju je sam nanio.

Simptomi i preporučene radnje


PDP zaslon ponovno stvara vizualne signale koje je primio iz računala. Dakle, ako imate problema s računalom ili video karticom, to može uzrokovati nestanak slike na PDP zaslonu, lošu boju, šum, nepodržavanje video načina rada itd. U tom slučaju najprije provjerite izvor problema, a zatim se obratite servisnom centru ili distributeru.

1.Provjerite jesu li kabel napajanja i videokabeli ispravno povezani s računalom.

2.Provjerite oglašava li se računalo s više od 3 zvuka prilikom pokretanja. (U slučaju da se to događa, zatražite servisiranje matične ploče računala.)

3.Ako ste instalirali novu video-karticu ili ako ste spojili osobno računalo provjerite je li instaliran upravljački program za (video) adapter.

4.Provjerite je li raspon skeniranja video zaslona postavljen na 50 Hz ~85 Hz. (Ne premašujte 60 Hz kada koristite maksimalnu rezoluciju).

5.Ako imate problema s instaliranjem upravljačkog programa za video karticu, pokrenite računalo u sigurnom načinu rada, uklonite adapter prikaza "Control Panel" (Upravljačka ploča) −> "System" (Sustav) −> "Device Administrator" (Administrator uređaja), a zatim ponovo pokrenite računalo kako biste ponovo instalirali upravljački program za video- karticu.



Sljedeća tablica sadrži moguće probleme i njihova rješenja. Prije pozivanja pomoći prov- jerite informacije navedene u tom odjeljku kako biste saznali možete li sami riješiti problem. Ako vam je potrebna pomoć, nazovite broj telefona naveden u odjeljku infor- macija ili se obratite svom dobavljaču.

Problemi vezani uz instalaciju (način rada PC)


Navedeni su problemi povezani s instalacijom PDP zaslona i njihova rješenja.

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Samsung PH50KPFLBF/EN, PH63KPFLBF/EN Simptomi i preporučene radnje, Popis, Problemi vezani uz instalaciju način rada PC


The Samsung PH50KPPLBF/EN, PH63KPFLBF/EN, and PH50KPFLBF/EN are cutting-edge projectors that are designed to meet high standards of performance and versatility for both home entertainment and professional use. These models boast a range of innovative features and technologies that enhance viewing experiences and provide superior image quality.

One of the standout features of these projectors is their incredible resolution capabilities. The models support high-definition projections that can deliver crisp and clear images, making them perfect for movie nights, gaming sessions, and presentations. With vibrant colors and sharp contrasts, the visuals produced are compelling and immersive, ensuring that users can enjoy a stunning viewing experience.

Another critical aspect of the Samsung PH series projectors is their impressive brightness levels. Capable of producing bright images even in well-lit rooms, these projectors allow users to maintain a high-quality viewing experience without needing to adjust lighting conditions. This versatility makes them suitable for a variety of environments, from home theaters to conference rooms.

The design of these projectors is also noteworthy. They are compact and stylish, making them easy to integrate into any space. The lightweight design enhances portability, allowing users to take them on the go for different occasions without hassle.

Additionally, these models incorporate advanced connectivity options. With built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, users can easily connect their devices to the projector without the need for cumbersome cables. This feature supports seamless streaming from smartphones, tablets, and laptops, making it easy to share content in real-time.

Samsung has also focused on user-friendly interfaces, ensuring that setting up and operating these projectors is straightforward. The models come equipped with intuitive remote controls and on-screen menus that simplify navigation and configuration, making them accessible for users of all technical backgrounds.

In terms of longevity and maintenance, the PH series projectors use LED technology, which not only enhances energy efficiency but also significantly prolongs the lifespan of the light source. This means users can enjoy extended hours of use without the constant need for bulb replacements.

In summary, the Samsung PH50KPPLBF/EN, PH63KPFLBF/EN, and PH50KPFLBF/EN projectors are designed for those who seek high-quality performance in a portable package. With their impressive resolution, exceptional brightness, advanced connectivity, and user-friendly features, they set a new standard for home and professional projection systems. Whether for entertainment or business purposes, these projectors deliver in both functionality and design, making them a top choice in their category.