ÚdrÏba praãky

Oprava zamrzlé praãky

Pokud teplota klesne pod bod mrazu a Va‰e praãka zamrzne:

1.Vytáhnûte zástrãku ze zásuvky.

2.Nalijte teplou vodu na pfiívodní kohout k uvolnûní pfiívodní hadice.

3.Vyjmûte hadici pfiívodu vody a ponofite do teplé vody.

4.Vlijte teplou vodu do bubnu praãky a ponechte 10 minut stát.

5.Znovu spojte hadici pfiívodu vody na uzavírací kohout a zkontrolujte, zda je dodávka vody a vypou‰tûní v pofiádku.

âi‰tûní vnûj‰ích prostor praãky

1.Povrch praãky vãetnû kontrolního panelu otírejte mûkkou utûrkou a neodírajícími domácími ãistícími prostfiedky.

2.K usu‰ení pouÏijte mûkkou utûrku.

3.Praãku nepolévejte vodou.

âi‰tûní odpadového filtru

Odpadov˘ filtr ãistûte 2 nebo 3 - krát za rok.


Vyjmûte kryt v podstavci na ãele praãky.


Vy‰roubujte víãko nouzového vypou‰tûní


otáãením vlevo a vypusÈte vodu.

Vy‰roubujte víãko filtru a vyjmûte ho.


Vymyjte v‰echnu neãistotu nebo jiné pfiedmûty z


filtru. Pfiesvûdãete se o tom, Ïe lopatka


vypou‰tûcího ãerpadla za filtrem není zabloko-


vaná. Nasaìte zpût víãko filtru.

VraÈte zpût na místo kryt v podstavci.

âi‰tûní síta filtru vodní hadice

SíÈov˘ filtr vodní hadice je tfieba ãistit jednou za rok, nebo pokud displej bliká.


1.Uzavfiete kohout pfiívodu vody do praãky.

2.Vy‰roubujte hadici vzadu na praãce.

3.Pomocí kle‰tí na drát jemnû vytlaãte sítko filtru z

konce hadice a vypláchnûte pod tekoucí vodou, aÏ je zcela ãisté. Vyãistûte také vnitfiek a vnûj‰ek ‰roubové pfiípojky.

4.Filtr zatlaãte zpût na místo.

5. Na‰roubujte hadici zpût na praãku.

6.Otevfiete vodovodní kohoutek a pfiesvûdãete se o tom, Ïe jsou spojky tûsné a neprosakuje voda.


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Samsung R1031GWS1/YLU ÚdrÏba praãky, Oprava zamrzlé praãky, Âi‰tûní vnûj‰ích prostor praãky, Âi‰tûní odpadového filtru

R1031GWS/YPP, R831GWS/YLU, R831GWS1/YLU, R1031GWS1/YLU, R1031GWS/YLU specifications

Samsung has been a pioneer in the home appliance sector, and its innovative refrigerator models, such as the R1031GWS/YLU, R1031GWS1/YLU, R831GWS1/YLU, R831GWS/YLU, and R1031GWS/YPP, showcase the brand's commitment to quality, efficiency, and modern design. These refrigerators are designed to meet the demands of contemporary households while providing various advanced features and technologies.

One of the key highlights of these Samsung models is their energy efficiency. Equipped with the latest Energy Star technology, these refrigerators consume significantly less power compared to traditional models, helping users save on utility bills. The Digital Inverter Compressor adjusts its speed based on cooling demand, ensuring optimal temperature control and reducing wear and tear.

The spacious interior of these refrigerators maximizes storage capacity, thanks to their well-designed layout. The shelves are adjustable, allowing users to customize the space to accommodate larger items. The Multi Flow system ensures even cooling throughout the fridge, with multiple vents placed strategically to maintain consistent temperatures across all shelves.

These models also feature the Smart Conversion technology, which allows users to convert the freezer into additional fridge space when needed. This flexibility is ideal for families who may require extra refrigeration during gatherings or special occasions. The interior of the fridge is equipped with bright LED lighting, making it easy to locate items, even in low light conditions.

Another prominent characteristic is the presence of a deodorizing filter that helps keep the interior fresh by neutralizing odors. The easy-to-clean surfaces and removable shelves simplify maintenance, making it a breeze for users to keep their appliances looking new.

Durability is assured with high-quality materials used in the construction of these refrigerators. They are designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while retaining their sleek appearance. The modern design blends seamlessly into various kitchen styles, enhancing the overall aesthetic of any home.

In conclusion, the Samsung refrigerator models R1031GWS/YLU, R1031GWS1/YLU, R831GWS1/YLU, R831GWS/YLU, and R1031GWS/YPP are engineered with advanced technology, energy efficiency, and user-friendly features. They offer a perfect combination of style and functionality, making them an excellent choice for modern households seeking reliable and innovative refrigeration solutions.