Ðaldymo medþiaga á ðaldytuvo ðaldymo sistema patenka specialiu bûdu. Pavojus Uþtikrinkite, kad vamzdynas uþ ðaldytuvo bûtø nepaþeistas.

Ðaldymo uþpildas R600a yra inertinës dujos, kurios nekenkia aplinkai, taèiau yra degios. Transportuojant ir pajungiant prietaisà stenkitës nepaþeisti ðaldymo sistemos vamzdeliø ir kitø sudedamøjø ðaldytuvo daliø.

· Patekæ á akis uþpildo purslai gali joms pakenkti, be to uþpildas gali uþsidegti. Nutekëjus uþpildui paðalinkite visus atviros ugnies ðaltinius bei stenkitës iðvengti kibirkðèiø. Keletà minuèiø iðvëdinkite patalpà, kurioje stovi prietaisas.

-Tam, kad nesusikurtø deganèio oro dujø miðinys, jeigu ðaldymo uþpilde atsiranda nutekëjimas, kambario, kuriame gali bûti pastatytas prietaisas dydis priklauso nuo naudojamo ðaldymo uþpildo kiekio. Patalpos plotas turi bûti 1 m3 kiekvienam šaldymo sistemos užpildo R600a

8 gramams. Šaldymo sistemos užpildo kiekis yra nurodytas instrukcijoje.

-Jeigu prietaisas yra kur nors paþeistas, nejunkite ðaldytuvo. Turëdami klausimø, susisiekite su prekybininku arba aptarnavimo centru.


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Samsung has long been a pioneer in the world of home appliances, and its RA series of air conditioning units further solidifies this reputation. The models RA15CCSWQN/EUR, RA06CCSWQN/EUR, and RA12CCSWQN/XEF are remarkable examples of innovation, efficiency, and user-friendly design.

One of the standout features of these models is their energy efficiency. Each unit utilizes Samsung's advanced inverter technology, which significantly reduces energy consumption compared to traditional air conditioners. By adjusting the compressor speed to maintain the desired temperature rather than turning on and off frequently, these models offer a more sustainable solution for cooling your home while also saving on electricity bills.

The RA series is also designed with superior cooling performance in mind. With varying capacities—1.5 kW, 6 kW, and 1.2 kW, respectively—these models cater to a range of room sizes. The RA15CCSWQN is ideal for larger spaces, while the RA06CCSWQN effectively cools medium-sized rooms, and the RA12CCSWQN efficiently services smaller environments. This versatility ensures that users can find the perfect model for their specific needs.

Incorporating Smart Features, the RA series allows users to control their air conditioning system remotely via the SmartThings app. This functionality means you can adjust settings, set timers, and monitor energy usage from anywhere, providing added convenience and peace of mind.

Air quality is another crucial aspect of these models. Equipped with a High-performance air filter, the units capture dust and allergens, ensuring that the air circulated throughout your home is clean and healthy. The units also feature a Smart Filter alert system that notifies users when it’s time to clean or replace the filters.

In terms of design, Samsung has prioritized aesthetics and user experience. The sleek, modern look of the RA series blends seamlessly with contemporary home decor. Additionally, quieter operation ensures minimal disruption, even during the hot summer months.

With intuitive controls, advanced technologies, and a commitment to energy efficiency, the Samsung RA15CCSWQN/EUR, RA06CCSWQN/EUR, and RA12CCSWQN/XEF air conditioning units are exemplary choices for those seeking comfort, convenience, and innovation in their cooling solutions. Each model reflects Samsung's dedication to high-quality home appliances, making them a worthy investment for any household.