Stafford Park 12 Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3BJ

Tel. : (0870) 242 0303

Fax. : (01952) 292 033

U.S.A. :

Samsung Electronics America Service Division

400 Valley Road, Suite 201

Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864)



Monitora attƝls tiek veidots no sarkaniem, zaƺiem un ziliem punktiem. Jo punkti ir ciešƗk kopƗ, jo augstƗka ir izšƷirtspƝja. AtƗlums starp vienas krƗsas punktiem tiek saukts par 'punktiestatni'. MƝrvienƯba: mm

VertikƗlƗ frekvence

Lai varƝtu tikt radƯts attƝls, un lietotƗjs to varƝtu redzƝt, ekrƗnam ir jƗtiek atjaunotam

(pƗrzƯmƝtam) vairƗkas reizes sekundƝ. ŠƯs atkƗrtošanas biežumu sekundƝ sauc par 'VertikƗlo frekvenci' jeb 'Atsvaidzes intensitƗti'. MƝrvienƯba: Hz

PiemƝrs: Ja viena in tƗ pati gaismas strƝle atkƗrtojas 60 reizes sekundƝ, tƗs mƝrvienƯba tiek apzƯmƝta kƗ 60 Hz. ŠajƗ gadƯjumƗ ir iespƝjams novƝrot ekrƗna ƼirbƝšanu. Lai no šƯs problƝmas izvairƯtos, pastƗv neƼirbƝšanas režƯms, kam vertikƗlƗ frekvence ir lielƗka par 70 Hz.

HorizontƗlƗ frekvence

Laiks, kƗds nepieciešams, lai noskenƝtu ekrƗna lƯniju horizontƗli no labƗs malas lƯdz kreisajai malai, tiek saukts par 'HorizontƗlo Ciklu'. HorizontƗlajam ciklam pretƝjs skaitlis tiek saukts par 'HorizontƗlo frekvenci'. MƝrvienƯba: kHz

RindsecƯgƗ izvƝrse un rindpƗrlƝces izvƝrse

HorizontƗlo lƯniju parƗdƯšana ekrƗnƗ to atrašanƗs kƗrtƯbƗ tiek saukta par 'rindsecƯgo izvƝrsi', turpretƯ nepƗra lƯniju parƗdƯšana vispirms un pƗra lƯniju parƗdƯšana pƝc tam tiek saukta par 'rindpƗrlƝces izvƝrsi'. VairumƗ monitoru, lai nodrošinƗtu skaidru attƝlu, tiek izmantota rindsecƯgƗ izvƝrse. RindpƗrlƝces izvƝrse tiek izmantota televizoros.

Standarts "Plug & Play"

ŠƯ ir funkcija, kas lietotƗjam nodrošina vislabƗkƗs kvalitƗtes attƝlu, liekot datoram un monitoram apmainƯties ar informƗciju automƗtiski. Šis monitors, attiecƯbƗ uz funkciju 'Plug & Play', atbilst starptautiskajam standartam 'VESA DCC'.


VertikƗlo un horizontƗlo punktu skaits, kas veido ekrƗna attƝlu, tiek saukts par 'izšƷirtspƝju'. Šis skaitlis norƗda uz displeja precizitƗti. Augsta izšƷirtspƝja dod iespƝju izpildƯt daudzus uzdevumus, jo tiek dots vairƗk informƗcijas par ekrƗnƗ parƗdƯto attƝlu.

PiemƝrs: Ja izšƷirtspƝja ir 1280 X 1024, tas nozƯmƝ, ka ekrƗna attƝls sastƗv no 1280 horizontƗliem punktiem (horizontƗlƗ izšƷirtspƝja) un 1024 vertikƗlƗm lƯnijƗm (vertikƗlƗ izšƷirtspƝja).

LabƗka attƝla panƗkšana

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Image 93
Samsung RL19PSUSQ/EDC, RL17ASQS/EDC, RL19PSQSQ/EDC manual Termini, LabƗka attƝla panƗkšana


Samsung's RL19PSQSQ/EDC, RL17ESUSB/EDC, RL19PSUSQ/EDC, and RL17ESQSB/EDC refrigerators represent a blend of advanced technology and stylish design, suitable for modern kitchens.

The RL19PSQSQ/EDC model showcases a sleek stainless steel exterior that is not only appealing to the eye but also fingerprint-resistant, ensuring your refrigerator stays looking immaculate. It features a spacious interior with a 196-liter capacity, allowing ample space for groceries and leftovers. The dual cooling system is a standout technology, providing independent cooling for both the refrigerator and freezer to maintain optimal humidity levels and prevent the mingling of odors.

Meanwhile, the RL17ESUSB/EDC offers smart features that enhance user convenience. It comes equipped with an energy-efficient inverter compressor, delivering precise temperature control while reducing energy consumption. The All-around Cooling technology ensures that cold air flows uniformly throughout the appliance, keeping food fresh for longer. This model also includes a wine rack and adjustable shelving for customized storage solutions, catering to diverse storage needs.

On the other hand, the RL19PSUSQ/EDC emphasizes functionality combined with a distinguished design. It includes a Power Freeze feature that allows rapid freezing of items, which is ideal for preserving the freshness of frozen goods. With its digital display panel, users can easily monitor and adjust settings with a touch, providing a seamless user experience.

The RL17ESQSB/EDC model offers specialized compartments, including a fresh food zone designed to maintain optimal conditions for fruits and vegetables. The Energy Star rating on each of these models highlights Samsung's commitment to sustainability, ensuring consumers can shop with the planet in mind.

These refrigerators are equipped with advanced multi-air flow systems, ensuring that every corner of the fridge receives an even distribution of cool air. With a 10-year warranty on the compressor, peace of mind accompanies your investment.

Each of these Samsung refrigerator models demonstrates the brand’s dedication to quality, innovation, and practical design, making them valuable additions to any home. They not only cater to the needs of busy households but also elevate the aesthetic of modern kitchens, all while prioritizing freshness and energy efficiency.