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Pirms ierīces darbināšanas, lūdzu, pamatīgi izlasiet šo rokasgrāmatu un atcerieties tās norādījumus.

Tā kā sekojošās ekspluatācijas instrukcijas aptver dažādus modeļus, jūsu ledusskapja raksturīgās pazīmes var nedaudz atšķirties no tā apraksta šajā rokasgrāmatā.


Norāda uz nāves vai nopietnu ievainojumu briesmām.


Norāda, ka pastāv personāla ievainojumu vai materiālu zaudējumu briesmas.



Attēlo kaut ko, ko jums NEVAJAG darīt.

Attēlo kaut ko, ko jums NEVAJAG izjaukt.

Attēlo kaut ko, ko jums NEVAJAG aizskart.

Attēlo kaut ko, kas jums jāievēro.

Norāda, ka jums jāatvieno kontaktdakša no ligzdas.

Attēlo, ka nepieciešams sazemējums, lai novērstu elektrisko triecienu.

Ieteicams, lai šo simbolu izmantotu servisa darbinieks.

Norāda, ka pastāv nāves vai nopietnas traumas bīstamība. Lūdzu, noteikti tos ievērojiet.

Pēc šīs nodaļas izlasīšanas, turiet to drošā vietā turpmākai uzziņai.

Pirms izmantošanas šis ledusskapis pareizi jānovieto saskaņā ar rokasgrāmatu.

Izmantojiet šo ierīci tikai mērķiem, kam tā paredzēta, kā tas aprakstīts šinī norādījumu rokasgrāmatā.

Mēs stingri iesakām, lai jebkādu apkopi izpildītu kvalificēta persona. R600 vai 134a var izmantot kā saldētāju. Pārbaudiet kompresora etiķeti uz ierīces aizmugures un jaudas etiķeti ledusskapja iekšpusē, lai redzētu, kāda dzesējošā viela ir izmantota saldētavai.

• R600 saldējošās vielas gadījumā, šī gāze ir dabīga gāze ar augstu atbilstību apkārtējai videi, taču tā ir arī viegli uzliesmojoša. Kad ierīci transportē vai uzstāda, jārīkojas rūpīgi,

lai nodrošinātu, ka ledusskapja daļas netiek bojātas.

Dzesējošai vielai izšļācoties no caurulēm, tā var aizdegties vai būt par iemeslu acu traumām. Ja atklāta sūce, izvairieties no atklātas liesmas vai potenciālā uzliesmošanas avota un telpas gaisa, kurā ierīce ir stāvējusi kaut dažas minūtes.

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Samsung RL34ECTS1/BWT, RL40EGSW1/BWT, RL40EGPS1/BWT, RL34ECTS1/XEO, RL34EGTS1/BWT Drošības informācija, Drošības Informācija


Samsung has long been recognized for its innovation in home appliances, and the RL40 series refrigerators exemplify this legacy of quality and technology. Specifically, the models RL40ECPS1/BWT, RL40SCMB1/BWT, RL40EGSW1/BWT, and RL40EGPS1/BWT are designed to cater to the modern consumer’s needs while ensuring efficient performance and energy savings.

One of the standout features of these models is their spacious interior, which is designed to maximize storage capacity. These refrigerators come with adjustable shelving, allowing users to customize the layout according to their storage needs. The models are equipped with smart storage solutions, including door bins and dedicated compartments for fruits and vegetables, which ensures better organization and accessibility.

The cooling technology in these models is a game-changer. Samsung employs EcoCooling technology, which not only maintains optimal temperatures but also uses less energy compared to traditional refrigeration methods. This eco-friendly approach contributes to lower electricity bills, making the RL40 series an economical choice for households.

Another significant characteristic is the No Frost feature, which prevents the buildup of ice and frost in the freezer compartment. This means consumers do not need to defrost regularly, saving time and effort while ensuring that food items remain fresh and well-preserved. The multi airflow system further enhances this feature, distributing cold air evenly throughout the refrigerator to eliminate hot spots and maintain consistent temperatures across all shelves.

The design of the RL40 series is equally impressive. With a sleek and modern aesthetic, these refrigerators complement any kitchen décor. Moreover, the exterior is often coated to resist fingerprints, ensuring that the appliances maintain a clean and polished appearance.

In terms of energy efficiency, the RL40 models come with high energy ratings, reflecting their ability to operate using minimal electricity while still delivering optimal performance. This is especially appealing to environmentally conscious consumers looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Furthermore, Samsung incorporates advanced features such as digital displays and intuitive controls, allowing users to easily monitor and adjust settings. This user-friendly interface is a significant improvement over older models, making it simpler to manage food storage.

In conclusion, the Samsung RL40ECPS1/BWT, RL40SCMB1/BWT, RL40EGSW1/BWT, and RL40EGPS1/BWT refrigerators are models that combine functionality, style, and innovation. With their smart technologies, spacious layouts, and energy-efficient performance, these appliances stand out in the crowded market of refrigerators, meeting the needs of modern families and individuals alike. Whether for cooling beverages or preserving fresh produce, the RL40 series is designed to enhance the overall experience of food storage at home.