látky citlivé na teplotu, ako sú napríklad horľavé spreje, horľavé predmety, suchý ľad, lieky alebo iné chemikálie. V chladničke neskladujte prchavé alebo horľavé predmety alebo látky (benzén, riedidlo, propán, atď.).

-Táto chladnička slúži len na skladovanie potravín.

-V opačnom prípade hrozí

požiar alebo explózia.

Čistiace výrobky nestriekajte priamo na displej.

-Vytlačené písmená na displeji by mohli zmiznúť.

Z kolíkov sieťovej zástrčky odstráňte všetky nečistoty a prach.

Pri čistení zástrčky sieťového kábla a odstraňovaní nečistôt a prachu z kolíkov zástrčky nepoužívajte mokré ani vlhké


-Inak vzniká nebezpečenstvo požiaru alebo úrazu elektrickým prúdom.

• Pred čistením alebo údržbou odpojte chladničku od siete.

V prípade, že sa spotrebič dlhší čas nepoužíval,

10_ bezpečnostné informácie

vypnite napájanie a vyčistite vnútrajšok spotrebiča. Potom ponechajte dvierka otvorené.




• Pred likvidáciou prístroja skontrolujte, či nie sú poškodené rúrky na zadnej stene prístroja.

Ako chladiace médium je použitý izobután R600a alebo R134a.

Typ chladiaceho média je uvedený na štítku kompresora na zadnej strane spotrebiča a na technickom štítku vo vnútri chladničky. Ak tento výrobok obsahuje horľavý plyn (chladiace médium R600a), o jeho bezpečnej likvidácii sa poraďte s príslušnými miestnymi úradmi. Ako peniaci plyn pri výrobe izolácie sa používa cyklopentán.

Plyny obsiahnuté v izolačných materiáloch sa musia likvidovať špeciálnym spôsobom.

Obráťte sa na miestne úrady, kde vám poradia, ako

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Samsung RL58GQGIH1/XEF, RL58GQBMG1/XEF, RL56GHGTS1/XEF, RL56GREIH1/XEF, RL58GREIH1/XEF Dôležité Výstrahy, Likvidácie Výrobku


The Samsung RL59GYBSW1/BWT, RL60GGGRS1/XEF, and RL60GEEMG1/BWT are sophisticated refrigerator models that epitomize modern kitchen technology and design. These appliances combine innovative features with energy efficiency to cater to the diverse needs of today's consumers.

One of the standout features of these Samsung models is their Twin Cooling Plus technology. This system uses two independent cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments, ensuring optimal humidity levels and preventing odor transfer. As a result, fresh produce stays fresher longer, and frozen items maintain their flavor and texture.

Energy efficiency is another key characteristic. These refrigerators are designed to consume less energy compared to traditional models, helping users reduce their electricity bills while minimizing their carbon footprint. The use of LED lighting throughout the appliances not only enhances visibility but also adds to energy savings, as LED bulbs consume significantly less power than conventional incandescent lights.

Samsung's Food ShowCase feature is particularly innovative, available in some models, which provides easy access to frequently used items. The outer compartment allows for quick retrieval of beverages, condiments, and snacks without needing to open the inner fridge, thus saving energy and maintaining internal temperature.

The sleek design of these refrigerators also enhances their visual appeal, with a modern stainless-steel finish that complements contemporary kitchen aesthetics. Moreover, the spacious interior features adjustable shelves, door bins, and ample storage options to accommodate various food items and sizes.

Advanced cooling technology is complemented by the Smart Sensor system, which monitors the temperature and humidity within the refrigerator. This ensures optimal conditions are maintained, contributing to better food preservation. Additionally, some models come with a digital inverter compressor that adjusts its speed in response to cooling demand, leading to even greater energy efficiency.

Finally, the user-friendly controls and smart functions, including options for temperature adjustment and additional settings for specific food types, cater to all culinary needs. With a combination of advanced technologies and stylish design, the Samsung RL59GYBSW1/BWT, RL60GGGRS1/XEF, and RL60GEEMG1/BWT refrigerators truly represent a perfect blend of convenience, performance, and modernity in kitchen appliances. Whether upgrading or purchasing a new refrigerator, these models offer exceptional value and functionality for any household.