Nurodo veiksmà, kurio NEGALIMA atlikti


Ðis þenklelis áspëja apie pavojø gyvybei arba grësmæ patirti rimtà traumà.

Ðis þenklelis áspëja apie

pavojø patirti suþalojimà arba

apie galimà inventoriaus

Nurodo, kad DRAUDÞIAMA kaþkà ardyti

Nurodo, kad DRAUDÞIAMA kaþkà liesti

Nurodo taisyklæ, kuria reikia vadovautis

Nurodo, kad reikia iðtraukti elektros laido ðakutæ ið tinklo lizdo



Nurodo, kad turi bûti áþeminta, siekiant iðvengti elektros smûgio

Saugaus eksploatavimo taisyklës skirtos apsaugoti jus ir kitus asmenis nuo traumø. Praðome visuomet jø laikytis.

Susipaþinæ su ðiomis taisyklëmis, iðsaugokite jas ateièiai.


Ávienà tinklo lizdà negalima jungti keletà elektros prietaisø.

• Tai gali tapti gaisro prieþastimi.

Ásitikinkite, kad elektros laido ðakutë nebuvo

prispausta prie galinës sienelës ir sugadinta.

Paþeista elektros laido ðakutë perkaitusi gali sukelti gaisrà.

Reikia pasirûpinti, kad á ðaldytuvà nepatektø

vandens ar jo purslø.

• Tai gali tapti gaisro ar elektros smûgio prieþastimi.

Ðalia ðaldytuvo negalima purkðti aerozolio ið


• Tai gali tapti sprogimo arba gaisro prieþastimi.

Ant elektros laido negalima statyti sunkiø


• Tai gali tapti elektros smûgio prieþastimi.

Ðaldytuvas turi bûti pastatytas taip, kad

galima bûtø lengvai pasiekti elektros laido


Vaikai ar garbaus amþiaus asmenys neturëtø naudotis ðaldytuvu be prieþiûros.

Pasirûpinkite, kad maþi vaikai neþaistø su ðaldytuvu.

Negalima ðaldytuvo savarankiðkai ardyti,

taisyti ar já kaip nors modifikuoti.

Tai gali tapti gaisro, ðaldytuvo sugadinimo arba rimtos traumos prieþastimi.

Prieð keièiant ðaldytuvo ar ðaldymo kameros

apðvietimo lemputæ, reikia iðjungti ðaldytuvà

ið elektros tinklo.

Prieðingu atveju jûs rizikuojate patirti elektros smûgá.

Negalima elektros laido ðakutæ á tinklo lizdà

jungti ðlapiomis rankomis.

• Tai gali tapti elektros smûgio prieþastimi.

Ant ðaldytuvo negalima statyti indø su


Iðsiliejæs vanduo gali tapti gaisro ar elektros smûgio prieþastimi.

Negalima ðaldytuvo statyti drëgnoje vietoje ar

ten, kur ant jo gali patekti vandens purslø.

Dël pablogëjusios elektros komponentø izoliacijos tai gali tapti gaisro ar elektros smûgio prieþastimi.

Negalima ðaldytuve laikyti lakiø ar lengvai

uþsiliepsnojanèiø medþiagø.

Ðaldytuve laikant benzolà, skiediklius, spirità, eterá, suskystintas dujas ir pan., gali ávykti sprogimas.

Prieð iðmesdami atitarnavusá ðaldytuvà,

iðimkite jo dureles ir dureliø sandariklius.

Su iðmestu ðaldytuvu þaidþiantys vaikai gali uþsitrenkti ðaldytuve ir uþdusti.

Bûtinai áþeminkite ðaldytuvà.

Bûtina tinkamai áþeminti ðaldytuvà, siekiant iðvengti elektros srovës nuotëkio ir dël to kylanèios elektros smûgio grësmës.


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Samsung RS20NCSL1/BWT, RS20NCSL1/XEK, RS20NCSV1/BWT Saugaus Eksploatavimo Taisyklës, Nurodo veiksmà, kurio Negalima atlikti


The Samsung RS20NCSW1/XES, RS20NCSV1/BWT, RS20NCSV5/XEK, RS20NCSL1/XEK, and RS20NCSL1/BWT are part of Samsung's impressive lineup of side-by-side refrigerators, designed to provide convenience and efficiency in modern kitchens. These models embody a blend of advanced technology, space-efficient design, and user-friendly features, making them an attractive addition to any home.

One of the main features of these Samsung refrigerators is the Twin Cooling System, which utilizes separate cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. This technology helps maintain optimal humidity levels and prevents the transfer of odors between the two sections, ensuring that food stays fresher for longer. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who store a variety of foods in both compartments, as it allows each to be stored under ideal conditions.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the Energy Efficiency rating of these models. They are designed to consume less energy while still providing exceptional cooling performance, which not only reduces electricity bills but also makes them more environmentally friendly. With energy-saving modes and sensors that adjust the cooling levels based on usage patterns, these refrigerators reflect Samsung’s commitment to sustainability.

The interior layout of these models is designed for maximum usability. With adjustable shelves, spacious compartments, and dedicated drawers for fruits and vegetables, users can easily organize their groceries. Additionally, many models feature bright LED lighting that illuminates the interior, making it easy to locate items even in low light conditions.

Samsung has also integrated innovative technologies like the Digital Inverter Compressor in these models. This technology adjusts the compressor's speed based on the cooling demand, resulting in quieter operation, reduced energy consumption, and enhanced durability. This means less wear and tear on the appliance over time, increasing its longevity.

Additional features include external water and ice dispensers that provide instant access to chilled water and ice without having to open the refrigerator door. This convenience is offset by the added benefit of maintaining the internal temperature, thereby enhancing energy efficiency.

In conclusion, the Samsung RS20NCSW1/XES, RS20NCSV1/BWT, RS20NCSV5/XEK, RS20NCSL1/XEK, and RS20NCSL1/BWT models are designed to meet the demands of modern households with their innovative features, advanced technologies, and efficient performance. These refrigerators provide a perfect balance of style and functionality, making them a valuable investment for any kitchen. Whether you are storing fresh produce, frozen meals, or entertaining guests, these models deliver reliable and efficient cooling solutions to suit your needs.