Atitirpdymas (“Thaw”)

Varvòjimas ir mòsos senòjimas sumaÏina patiekal˜ ‰vieÏumà.

Kai atitirpdymas (“Thaw”) yra ∞jungtas, ∞ ‰aldymo tipo pasirinkimo (“CoolSelect ZoneTM”) stalãi˜ pakaitomis paduodamas ‰iltas ir ‰altas oras.

Prilausomai nuo mòsos svorio, atitirpdymo laikas gali bti pasirenkamas toks: 4 val., 6 val., 10 val. ir 12 val.

Kai atitirpdymas (“Thaw”) pasibaigia, ·aldymo tipo pasirinkimo (“CoolSelect ZoneTM”) stalãiaus ekranas sugr∞Ïta ∞ nulio laipsni˜ zonà “Zero Zone”.

Kai atitirpdymas (“Thaw”) pasibaigia, mòsa yra pusiau su‰aldytos bsenos, joje nòra sulãi˜, todòl jà lengva supjaustyti ir gaminti maistà.

Noròdami i‰jungti ‰ià funkcijà, paspauskite bet kur∞ mytukà, i‰skyrus atitirpdymas (“Thaw”).

Apytikslis mòsos ir Ïuvies at‰ildymo laikas yra nurodytas Ïemiau. (2,5 cm. storis)

Atitirpdymo (“Thaw”) laikas

4 valandos

6 valandos

10 valand˜

12 valand˜


400 g

600 g

800 g



Priklausomai nuo dydÏio ir svorio, mòsos ir Ïuvies atitirpimo laikas gali skirtis.


Auk‰ãiau pateikti svoriai nurodo bendrà maisto svor∞, sudòtà ∞ ·aldymo tipo pasirinkimo

(“CoolSelect ZoneTM”) stalãi˜.


PVZ.: Jei norite atitirpinti 400g. ‰aldytos jautienos ir 600g. ‰aldytos vi‰tienos, pilnas


atitirpimo laikas bus 10 val.

Pasirinkus funkcijà At‰ildymas (“Thaw”), maistas, kurio nereikia at‰ildyti, turi bti

i‰imtas i‰ ‰alãio parinkimo zonos (“CoolSelect ZoneTM“) stalãiaus.



Temperatra (o C )

Maisto produktai








-5 o C

sviestas, sris, perdirbti maisto produktai....









jautiena, kiauliena (meitòlio

‰paragai, kopstas,



0 o C

mòsa), aviena, ver‰iena,

morka, ãesnakas, salotos,



vi‰tiena, pauk‰tiena,

svognas, ‰pinatai,












pieno milteliai, kumpis,




de‰ra, rkyta Ïuvis,








alkoholiniai gòrimai,











gaivinamieji gòrimai...






Îiròkite 13 psl.

Vanduo, alkoholiniai gòrimai, gaivinamieji gòrimai…


Îiròti ∞ lentel´ 14 psl.


Page 15
Image 15
Samsung RSE8KPPS1/BWT manual Valdymo Instrukcijos, Atitirpdymas Thaw, Valandos Valand˜ Svoris 400 g 600 g 800 g 1000g


The Samsung RSE8KYAS1/BUL, RSE8KPPS1/BUL, RSE8KPPS2/XEK, RSE8KYPS1/BUL, and RSE8KPCW1/BUL represent the cutting-edge of Samsung’s refrigerator technology, encapsulating innovation, efficiency, and user-friendly design. These models exemplify a commitment to combining functionality with aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for modern kitchens.

A key feature of these refrigerators is the Twin Cooling System, which utilizes two separate evaporators to maintain optimal humidity levels in both the fridge and freezer compartments. This technology enhances food preservation by preventing odors from mixing while retaining moisture. Consequently, fruits and vegetables stay fresher for longer, reducing waste and ensuring quality.

Energy efficiency is another focal point, with numerous models boasting a high energy rating. The Digital Inverter Compressor adjusts its speed based on cooling demands, leading to significant energy savings and lower electricity bills. Samsung promotes sustainability while ensuring that the performance of these units remains uncompromised.

Storage capacity is thoughtfully engineered in these models, featuring adjustable shelves, door bins, and fruit and vegetable drawers. The clear storage design allows for easy access to items, while the spacious interiors can accommodate various sizes of groceries, making these refrigerators practical for families of all sizes.

Smart technology integration is another hallmark of Samsung’s offerings. Many of these refrigerator models come equipped with SmartThings compatibility, allowing users to control and monitor their appliances remotely. This feature not only offers convenience but also provides alerts about maintenance issues, temperature fluctuations, and inventory management.

The ice and water dispenser is both stylish and functional, offering fresh, filtered water and ice at the touch of a button. Users can enjoy the convenience of having cold beverages readily available, enhancing the overall utility of the refrigerator.

Samsung’s design philosophy shines through with exterior finishes that are both sleek and resistant to fingerprints, requiring minimal maintenance. Whether in bold stainless steel, elegant white, or classic black, these refrigerators elevate the kitchen's aesthetic while providing practical solutions.

In conclusion, the Samsung RSE8KYAS1/BUL, RSE8KPPS1/BUL, RSE8KPPS2/XEK, RSE8KYPS1/BUL, and RSE8KPCW1/BUL models stand out for their innovative features and luxurious design. They reflect a commitment to sustainability, efficiency, and user convenience, making them an excellent choice for contemporary households seeking reliability and style in their kitchen appliances.