1.Izņemiet šļakatu drošo stikla plauktu, velkot to ārā, cik tālu vien iespējams.

Tad to uzmanīgi paceliet un izņemiet.

Pirms izņemt piederumus, pārliecinieties, ka pārtika netraucē.

Ja iespējams, izņemiet visu pārtiku, lai samazinātu negadījumu iespējamību.

Lai nodrošinātu vislabāko ierīces energoefektivitāti, lūdzu, saglabājiet visu plauktu, atvilkņu un citu nodalījumu oriģinālo izvietojumu, kā norādīts attēlā 25. lappusē.



2.Izņemiet dārzeņu un augļu atvilktni, nospiežot robiņus, kas atrodas dārzeņu / kaltējumu kastes vāciņa kreisajā un labajā iekšmalā, un izņemiet

to, velkot uz priekšu. Turiet atvilktni ar vienu roku, velkot to laukā, nedaudz paceliet uz augšu un izņemiet no ledusskapja.



Neizmantojiet tīrīšanai benzolu, krāsu šķīdinātāju vai Clorox hlorīda balinātāju.

Šīs vielas var bojāt ierīces virsmu un izraisīt ugunsgrēku.

Neapsmidziniet ledusskapi ar ūdeni, kad tas pievienots elektrībai, jo tas var izraisīt elektriskās strāvas triecienu.

Netīriet ledusskapi ar benzolu, šķīdinātāju vai automašīnu tīrīšanas līdzekli, jo tas var radīt aizdegšanos.

3.Izņemiet durvju kasti, satverot to ar abām rokām un uzmanīgi ceļot augšup.

4.Z-plaukts ir piestiprināts pie korpusa sieniņām. Izņemiet vīna plauktu, paceļot to uz augšu un uzmanīgi izceļot no cilpiņām.


Lai nomainītu LED lampu, lūdzu kontaktēties ar sevisa inžinieri


Uzmanieties, un ielieciet Z-plauktu kā parādīts attēlā un nevis otrādāk.

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Samsung RSH7ZNRS1/XEO, RSH7UNBP1/XEO Ledusskapja Piederumu Izņemšana, Ledusskapja Tīrīšana, Iekšējā Apgaismojuma Nomaiņa


Samsung has consistently pushed the boundaries of home appliance technology, and its modern refrigerator models such as the RSH7UNTS1/BWT, RSH7UNPN1/BWT, RSH7ZNRS1/BWT, RSH7ZNRS1/XEO, and RSH7ZNPN1/BWT are exemplars of this commitment. These refrigerator models are designed to meet the needs of contemporary households while providing a blend of functionality, style, and advanced technology.

One of the standout features of these refrigerators is their spacious interiors, designed to maximize storage efficiency. The multi-flow cooling system ensures that all compartments receive consistent cooling, keeping food fresher for longer periods. This sophisticated technology helps maintain optimal temperatures and minimizes the risk of spoilage, making it ideal for families with varying storage needs.

Another significant characteristic is the energy efficiency of these models. Equipped with inverter technology, these refrigerators adjust their power consumption based on the cooling requirements, leading to significant energy savings compared to traditional models. This is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your electricity bills, as users can enjoy eco-friendly refrigeration without compromising on performance.

The sleek and stylish design of the RSH7 series is also a highlight. With a modern look complemented by a user-friendly interface, these refrigerators fit seamlessly into any kitchen decor. The LED lighting illuminates the interior beautifully, making it easy to locate items. Moreover, the fingerprint-resistant finish maintains cleanliness and elegance, addressing a common concern with kitchen appliances.

These models also prioritize user convenience with features like an ice and water dispenser, which provides refreshing chilled water and ice on demand. This added functionality enhances the overall user experience, ensuring that refreshing drinks are readily available.

Furthermore, Samsung's digital inverter technology enhances durability and reduces noise levels, leading to a quieter kitchen environment. The use of high-quality materials and robust construction ensures that these refrigerators withstand the test of time, providing reliable service for years to come.

In summary, the Samsung RSH7UNTS1/BWT, RSH7UNPN1/BWT, RSH7ZNRS1/BWT, RSH7ZNRS1/XEO, and RSH7ZNPN1/BWT refrigerators blend advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, modern aesthetics, and user-friendly features. With their focus on quality and performance, these models stand out as top choices for consumers seeking a versatile and reliable kitchen appliance.