Note: ActiveSync® must be checked on the service list. If Serial is
available, instead, select it and make sure that a correct Bluetooth COM
port is selected from the Connection Settings on the PC ActiveSync®.
10. Press the Done soft key.
Synchronizing Information
To begin synchronization, connect your phone to your
computer. For more information on connecting the
phone and the computer, see page 48. The Microsoft®
ActiveSync® window on your computer automatically
appears and synchronization starts.
Once the synchronization is completed, the phone stays
connected to the computer. If any change is made,
Microsoft® ActiveSync® automatically will begin
synchronization. To begin synchronization, press the
Sync soft key in Microsoft® ActiveSync® on your
phone. You can open the phone’s file directory by
clicking Explore from the Microsoft® ActiveSync®
window. You can then copy files quickly and easily
from the phone to the computer, or vice versa.