CALL PARK AND PAGE When you have an external call for someone who is away from their desk, you can park
the call and page the requested party:
1. While in conversation, press Recall and dial 55. The call is automatically parked
at your station.
2. Dial the desired page zone and announce the parked call. Be sure to include your
station number (for example, “Mr. Smith, park 201”).
RETRIEVING A PARKED CALL To retrieve a call that has been parked for you:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial 10 plus the station number that was announced. You will be connected to the
parked call.
SETTING A MESSAGE INDICATION When you are calling another station and no one answers or you receive a busy signal, you
can set a message indication at that station. The MESSAGE key on a digital keyset will
flash and a standard (single line) telephone will receive a special ‘message waiting’ dial
1. Press Recall and dial 43.
2. When you hear confirmation tone, hang up.
If calling a keyset which is in Auto Answer mode, you must use the following procedure:
1. Hang up for at least two seconds.
2. Lift the handset.
3. Dial 41 plus the extension number.
4. When you hear confirmation tone, hang up.
NOTE: A station can have up to five message indications at a time. If you hear dial tone instead of
confirmation tone, there are already five messages at this station. Try again later.
REPLYING TO MESSAGE INDICATIONS When you lift the handset and hear the special dial tone, one or more stations has left a
message indication for you. To ring the station(s) back:
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial 43. The first station that left you a message indication will be called auto-
matically. If it is not answered, your message indication will remain.
3. Repeat the above step until you have replied to all message indications (in the or-
der they were received).
4. Dial tone will return to normal when no more message indications remain.