Network connectivity

Mobile data

Connect the device to a mobile network to use the Internet or share media files with other devices. Refer to Mobile networks for additional options.

On the Apps screen, tap Settings More networks Mobile networks, and then tick Mobile data.


Connect the device to a Wi-Fi network to use the Internet or share media files with other devices. Refer to Wi-Fifor additional options.



Turn off Wi-Fi to save the battery when not in use.

On the Apps screen, tap Settings Wi-Fi, and then tap the Wi-Fiswitch to activate it.

Select a network from the Wi-Fi networks list. Networks that require a password appear with a lock icon.


Once the device connects to a Wi-Fi network, the device will reconnect to that network each time it is available without requiring a password.

To prevent the device connecting to the network automatically, select it from the list of networks and tap FORGET.